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Portions of an article from Yes there is real news at this website!!
Just like in 2007, many are mocking the idea that the a major economic downturn is coming to the United States. They believe that the ridiculously high stock market valuations of today can stick around indefinitely, and they are putting their faith in politicians.
DTBR Note: it won’t be too long before a new economic crisis begins in America and this time it will include civil unrest all across the country.
I just don’t understand why more people cannot see this. Government debt, corporate debt and consumer debt have all been growing much, much faster than the overall economy. Can someone please explain to me how that could possibly be sustainable in the long-term?
For more than 100 years global debt levels have been rising, and now we are potentially facing the greatest debt crisis in all of human history. Never before have we seen such a level of debt saturation all over the planet, and pretty much everyone understands that this is going to end very, very badly at some point. The only real question is when it will happen. Many believe that the current global debt super cycle began when the Federal Reserve was established in 1913. Central banks are designed to create debt, and since 1913 the U.S. national debt has gotten more than 6800 times larger. But of course it is not just the United States that is in this sort of predicament. At this point more than 99 percent of the population of the entire planet lives in a nation that has a debt-creating central bank, and as a result the whole world is drowning in debt.
When people tell me that things are going to “get better” in 2017 and beyond, I find it difficult not to roll my eyes. The truth is that the only way we can even continue to maintain our current ridiculously high debt-fueled standard of living is to grow debt at a much faster pace than the economy is growing. We may be able to do that for a brief period of time, but giant financial bubbles like this always end and we will not be any exception.
Barack Obama and his team understood what was happening, and they were able to keep us out of a horrifying economic depression by stealing more than nine trillion dollars from future generations of Americans and pumping that money into the U.S. economy. As a result, the federal government is now 20 trillion dollars in debt, and that means that the eventual crash is going to be far, far worse than it would have been if we would have lived within our means all this time.
Corporations and households have been going into absolutely enormous amounts of debt as well. Corporate debt has approximately doubled since the last financial crisis, and U.S. consumers are now more than 12 trillion dollars in debt.
When you add all forms of debt together, America’s debt to GDP ratio is now about 352 percent. I think that the following illustration does a pretty good job of showing how absolutely insane that is…
If your brother earns $100,000 in annual income and borrowed $10,000 on his credit card, he could consume $110,000 worth of stuff. In this example, his debt to his personal GDP is just 10%. But what if he could get more credit year after year and reached a point where his total debt reached $352,000 but his income remained the same. His personal debt-to-GDP ratio would now be 352%.
If he could borrow at super low interest rates, maybe he could sustain the monthly loan payments. Maybe? But how much more could he possibly borrow? What lender would lend him more? And what if those low rates began to rise? How much debt can his $100,000 income cover? Essentially, he has reached the end of his own debt cycle.
The United States is certainly not alone in this regard. When you look all over the industrialized world, you see similar triple digit debt to GDP figures.
When this current debt super cycle ultimately ends, it is going to create economic pain on a scale that will be unlike anything that we have ever seen before. The following comes from King World News…
That is the inevitable consequence of 100 years of credit expansion from virtually nothing to $250 trillion, plus global unfunded liabilities of roughly $500 trillion, plus derivatives of $1.5 quadrillion. This is a staggering total of $2.25 quadrillion. Therefore, the question is not what could go wrong since it is guaranteed that all these liabilities will implode at some point. And when they do, it will bring misery to the world of a magnitude that no one could ever imagine.
It is of course very difficult to forecast the end of a major cycle. As this is unlikely to be a mere 100-year cycle but possibly a 2000-year cycle. It is also impossible to forecast how long the decline will take. Will it be gradual like the Dark Ages, which took 500 years after the fall of the Roman Empire? Or will the fall be much faster this time due to the implosion of the biggest credit bubble in world history? The latter is more likely, especially since the bubble will become a lot bigger before it implodes.
PART TWO You do not discern the Sign of The Times
The present Spiritual condition of the earth is dismal at best. Far too many people walk in darkness while pretending to be in the light. They do not care to know the true state of affairs and basically see what they want to see.
When the majority of your time, treasures and talents are invested in this present evil world, it is impossible to say that you live for Christ. You can’t claim to want to be delivered from evil, while participating in self delusion in order to protect and justify your own selfish desires, which is evil. How many who claim to be free, are in fact in bondage to sin as a result of the false teachers in the church that have led them astray.
God is not partner to those who are apathetic towards iniquity.
Below we list just a snippet of the wickedness that so often is ignored as a result of a carnal mind which is enmity against God.
If you are too fearful to engage in individual thought, you do not discern the Sign of The Times.
Group-think is completely irrational albeit a popular alternative mindset that does provide the deluded person with a false sense of security and community. However it leads to dysfunctional life decisions, as opposing viewpoints are suppressed at all costs. This mental dysfunction is carried out in order to try and justify a desired set of beliefs, no matter how ungrounded they may be.
Wars are controlled by a handful of demonic elites for their own personal gain, at the expense of the rest of this planet, and yet people support the military even though millions are murdered and tortured in the name of freedom, democracy and truth.
If you tolerate a terrorist regime, in order to maintain a materialistic life style at the expense of others, you do not discern the Sign of The Times.
Our so-called civilization is largely populated by unwitting slaves. They have been programmed and brainwashed through television, governments, central bankers, and most learning institutions. These are all controlled by this same demonic elite class. Incredibly their lies are accepted as the truth, and wrong is perceived as right in a world gone mad.
Our food and water supplies are poisoned with deadly additives, pesticides, radiation, chemical contamination and neurotoxins. When you are oblivious to the intentional destruction of this planet, you do not discern the Sign of The Times.
Our currency is fictitious without any real store of value and is diluted to the point that it will soon completely collapse, and become worth less. When you believe your stocks, bonds and bank account balances represent real wealth, you do not discern the Sign of The Times.
When you ignorantly accept a medical system that robs you while it is killing you, you do not discern the Sign of The Times.
Our medical system kills and sickens many . The even tell the users of , and yet their products still are taken by countless thousands.
Multitudes are diagnosed with depression, anxiety and other mental disorders most of which is caused by the polluted environment they have been given to live in. Their Doctors then prescribe deadly drugs produced by the pharmaceutical whores even though the side effects can be life threatening.
Millions take or are forced to take vaccines, most of which are either unnecessary, unproven to be effective, or totally unsafe. Far too often they contain mercury or aluminum adjuvants that are known to be neurotoxins and related to autism and other serious mental disorders.
We have taxation without representation, and massive corruption at every level of government. And because of the 501c3 hoax, the so-called leaders of the various religious institutions remain silent, not wanting to jeopardize their tax exempt status..
A textbook example of the blindness and corresponding manipulation of the masses is the 9-11 tragedy. This horrific and obvious murder of innocent citizens was approved by and subsequently covered up by their appointed wicked and unaccountable leaders.
This obvious inside job had clearly defined goals including a much needed excuse to usher in a police state. The pretense in which to fight terror was actually an unlawfully sanctioned rape, pillage and plunder of the resources of many countries.
The true terrorists are now able to murder at home and abroad, all done in the name of freedom and democracy.
You can’t make this stuff up. When you accept and even applaud pure evil, you do not discern the Sign of The Times.
Simply unbelievable is the madness in this so called civilized world.
The above worldly conditions are presented to exhibit an interesting correlation.
Those who typically accept the pre-tribulation rapture theory as fact, usually are also oblivious to most of the wickedness and deception that surrounds them.
This same group more often than naught also believes they are saved before Christ returns, with no scriptural evidence to support their claims.
If you cannot comprehend the obvious that you can see, how then can you discern spiritual things?
If you love this world in spite of all of its wickedness, you do not discern the Sign of The Times, because the spirit of Christ is not within you.
How can you accept as being good or partake in a system that murders, steals and practices lies at home and abroad with impunity?
You believe in and practice lies if you follow cunning fables that make you feel good, trust in riches, or are blind to suffering and evil. When you do not have the word of truth, you do not discern the Sign of The Times.
This is iniquity, and the practice and participation in it has deadly consequences.
1 Pet 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
We are not to partake in this darkness, but rather expose it for what it is. Our duty is to shine the light of Jesus so that others may come to this light.
Does the world see you as peculiar or set apart, or do you blend in well like a chameleon changing with every situation.
Mark 13:22 For a false Christ and a false prophet shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even (the chosen or) the elect.
The satanic deception during this period will be so great and with such lying wonders that if it were possible even God’s own would be deceived. If Christians are taken away before the tribulation, then is it even remotely possible that the deceived ungodly masses could be referred to as the elect?