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End of Days Are Near – Former CNN Science Producer Warns of Planet X Flyby – The Next Pole Shift Is Approaching – ED Dames Agrees “Must See”

Sunday, April 2, 2017 19:28
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(Before It's News)

We start off with discussion of nuclear war and Ed Dames before Marshall tells us a little bit about his background. He explains that because of his travel business he got to fly the arctic route and actually see the curvature of the earth. This led him to “Planet X.”

Marshall believes that we are living in a binary star system, our sun being one and Planet X being the other. He tells us about Nemesis, a small brown dwarf sun at the heart of the Planet X mini-constellation. He touches on the research of Dr. Robert S. Harrington, chief astronomer of the US Naval Observatory, who died before he could publicize his findings on Planet X. Marshall says the Washington Post brutally humiliated the astronomers involved.

Michael and Marshall then recount their earthquake experiences. They cover how they’re always downgraded after, what happened on December 21, 2012, the bridge incident that Marshall witnesses, and how to survive a big one.

The question Marshall gets asked the most is “When?” People want to know when we are going to see Planet X. His answer is the Amtrak Theory: do something to get prepared for it. He reminds us that the three causes of death are denial, procrastination. and location.

Topics then turn to Ed Dames, the Days of Darkness and how Marshall sees the Bible as a Planet X preparatory, dying of fear, how Michael wishes he had a time machine, and the subject of ETs.

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Total 6 comments
  • always informative

  • CNN….the original fake news!

  • Here is what he does not understand.

  • Should i max out the credit cards?

  • Boo

    This Marshall person always has a way of coming off like a bit of a know it all wrapped in subtle arrogance. He went new agey and has put his brain on pause ever since.

  • Is anyone really still listening to ED DAMES?! This guy blabbers on and on and talks in circles. He NEVER reveals any information that’s notable or important. He reminds me of a know-it-all who actually knows nothing. Move on.

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