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Runtastic Premium: Makes Sports Funatstic

Saturday, June 13, 2015 15:25
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What’s Runtastic?

In essence, Runtastic is nothing new – it’s an app made for health and fitness buffs who want to track their performance. But what makes this app stand out is the fact that it’s a feature-rich app that really wants you to succeed and achieve your fitness goals.

Runtastic actually offers different kinds of free (basic) and paid (pro) apps, all of which are getting great reviews across all platforms: iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Windows. And because the free apps are already top notch, a lot of folks are wondering why they should shell out a few bucks in order to try out the Pro and now the Premium version.

Basic Vs. Pro Vs. Premium

For those who are new to Runtastic, there could be some confusion. There are different apps available and some are free while some are paid (Pro). And now there’s Premium on offer. So why go for thePremium so to speak when the Free versions are already amazing as it is?

First things first, the basic apps are in essence the stripped down version of the Pro apps. These apps are getting rave reviews from pro athletes to beginners alike. The Pro versions of Runtastic has additional features embedded into the app itself. But when you buy Premium, you’ll get even more features and benefits across the Runtastic ecosystem.

As a quick rundown, here are the additional benefits attached to a Premium membership:

  1. Online Training Log
  2. Social Media Sharing
  3. Unlimited .GPX Export
  4. Training Habits Tracker
  5. Fitness Statistics
  6. Training Plans and Story Runs
  7. Premium Support
  8. 3-Day Weather Forecast
  9. Track Records/Accomplishments and Compare with Friends
  10. Motivation Boosts And Personal Cheers
  11. No Ads

Go for the Premium

Runtastic Premium is as close as you can get to an actual trainer. If you want to stay on track and have fun while doing it, this is what you get when you opt for the Premium membership. If you are serious about your fitness and training goals, then a Premium membership is actually a small price to pay for an app that caters to (and even anticipates) your needs.

Now take note, when you have a Runtastic Premium subscription, you have to bring your phone during your runs. Some people aren’t used to running with smartphones and this is probably one of the biggest issues with this app. However, remember that this app truly has it all: training log, statistic tracker, and motivation booster. You don’t need to download several different apps to help you lose weight, to track your training sessions, and to give you that much needed inspirational boost. And the truly fun part is that the audio stories within thePremium version of the app feature YOU as the protagonist. It’s a fun twist to keeping you running for hours.

If you’re tired of the good old song playlist that accompanies you during runs or aren’t too fond of having running companions, then try out this app. It’s a sleek, responsive, and user-friendly app that won’t slow down your phone or your training sessions.

The post Runtastic Premium: Makes Sports Funatstic appeared first on Gearfuse.


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