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Curious 3,400-Year-Old Canaanite Figurine Discovered by Young Boy in Israel

Tuesday, March 1, 2016 7:57
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The 3,400-year-old figurine.

Beit She’an Valley is a National Park in northern Israel. It is also one of the most important excavation sites in a country which still hides many secrets. One of the more recent discoveries at the location was uncovered by a 7-year-old boy, who found a 3,400-year-old figurine.

According to Heritage Daily, the boy, named Ori Grinhot, was hiking in the area of the National Park with his friends and a father of one of them. When he stumbled across the statue on the Tel Rehov archaeological site, the stone shifted and the boy saw an image of a person covered with soil. He started to rub away the mud and found an ancient figurine. The rare clay figurine is a representation of a naked woman. It was made by pressing the soft clay material into a mold.

The boy showed his discovery to his companions and one of the adults called the Israel Antiquities Authority immediately. They brought the treasure to the office, where the IAA decided to award Ori with a certificate of good citizenship. He was also noted as the official discoverer of the figurine.

Ori Grinhot shows off the figurine he found.

Ori Grinhot shows off the figurine he found. (CNN) – Reconstructing the story of humanity’s past


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Total 1 comment
  • Oh yeah, the Canaanites, the people the jews murdered to steal the land that the jews coveted and have been lying about every since.

    Fresh out of 40 years in of wandering in the desert and right after having received the ten commandments, the jews, come to the land of Canaan and sooo wanted the land. “COVETING”.. So now their god, so the jew story goes, CONVENIENTLY tells them that this land is promised to the jews. “LYING”.. Now the jewish god is alleged to have told the jews to “MURDER/KILL” the Canaanites to facilitate the “THEFT” of the land that the jews “COVET”.
    What a great god, first he allegedly free’s the CHOSEN PEOPLE from bondage in Egypt, then lets them wander in the desert for 40 years, and gives them this great set of 10 LAWS “WHICH THE JEWS INSTANTLY BEING TO SHRED”.. apparently, the 10 COMMANDMENTS were more of a SUGGESTION than actual commandments, right????

    It does make for a good story, but should be filed under FICTION, OR GOD HAS SOME SERIOUS MENTAL ISSUES!

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