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Weekly App Smack 09.16: Aeris, M Cam, Scanner Radio Pro, VHS Camcorder and More…

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 5:58
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Time for another round of apps that cover the spectrum of your beloved mobile device, be it iPhone, Android or Windows!

The Weekly App Smack is the best of new or updated design and productivity apps (and maybe a couple of fun ones, too) for the busy design or engineering professional and this week we have a list sure to make you more efficient.

Do you have an app suggestion that has made your life easier or changed up your workflow? Let us know in the comments below or send it into [email protected].

Hit it!

Aeris Pulse Weather

“Be prepared for ever-changing weather with Aeris Pulse, and never be surprised by the weather again! From severe storms to heavy snowfall, Aeris Pulse personalizes weather threats like never before.”


M Cam

“Achieve sharper photos, with lower image noise, adjusting shutter speed and ISO. Set both for maximum control, or regulate one and M Cam will take care of the other, automatically adjusting it to achieve optimal exposure.”



“Grid is the place to build & organize your creative ideas, especially with friends and fellow builders. Every Grid is a personal sandbox that can hold ideas small and large, and gives you the space to let your ideas free, or have anyone lend a hand in building something great.”


Scanner Radio Pro

“Listen to live audio from over 5,300 police and fire scanners, weather radios, and amateur radio repeaters from around the world (primarily in the United States, Canada, and Australia, with more being added daily).”


Futurama: Game of Drones

“This is Professor Farnsworth. I’m sending you off on a whirlwind of deadly, quite deadly, and very deadly missions! I’ve created an array of delivery drones to make your almost certain death more fun than my trip to Ecstasia 9, the fun planet!”


VHS Camcorder

“It’s 1984, and you’ve got a camcorder! It’ll look that way when you record and send old, messed up-looking videos to friends. They’ll swear you built a time machine: “OMG, how’d you shoot that?”
With VHS Camcorder, you’ll make home movies that look and sound like video tapes pulled out of storage after 30 years. “


Read Weekly App Smack 09.16: Aeris, M Cam, Scanner Radio Pro, VHS Camcorder and More… at SolidSmack.

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