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What kind of world will our children live in? Who will ensure that the technological advances won’t be used against humanity itself?
Technology is designed to addict us, rendering us willing to accept the implantation of computer chips into our brains, either covertly or overtly by force, by peer pressure, or by the pressure of the inability to compete without it.
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I am pretty convinced at this point that the “Mark of the Beast” will be the acceptance of a computer chip into one’s brain. Some are hypothesizing that the chip may be even inserted into vaccines as nano-particles. Therefore, in order to avoid the acceptance of the “Mark” we have to keep ourselves very aware of what is happening with technology, so that we do not “accidentally” accept it, if it is in fact delivered through some covert means, such as a vaccine.God is allowing the awakening of His people by the vast array of information available to them. God will allow every person a conscious choice before he or she accepts the Mark of the Beast. But, he will not make exceptions for willful ignorance, for those people who choose to hide their heads in the sand and refuse to look at the truth.Most churches do not preach the gravity of the situation that we are rapidly entering into as a culture, nor the impending technology that will most likely be associated with the Mark of the Beast. Do not let the Mark of the Beast come upon you as a Thief in the Night, because you did not pay attention to the reality of what is happening in this world!Pastor Rick Wiles of delivers a daily newscast that is a combination of real-life events from a Christian perspective and will keep you up to speed with the progression of events as related to end times eschatology and the Mark of the Beast..There is a war going on right now, between good and evil, between the violent, crybaby, bully democrats, the sell-out RINOs and the conservatives that promote Donald Trump. The lines are being drawn, ever so more clearly as each day passes.The broader war is the Satanists against the Christians…and clearly the Satanists are in control of the world and are actively building the system of the Beast, where we will all be but helpless to join. Unless we wear the armor of God, and arm ourselves with information and avail ourselves with God’s protection.Stay frosty, my friends!