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Fern-leaf inspires electrode for solar energy storage

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 1:57
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Researchers at the Australian RMIT have developed an electrode prototype, inspired by fern plants, that could be a major boost to the capacity of solar power. The graphene-based prototype also opens a new path to the development of flexible thin film solar capture and storage, advancing the feasibility of self-powering smart phones, laptops, cars and buildings.

RMIT's electrode inspired by fern design image

The RMIT team said the new design drew on nature’s own solution to the challenge of filling a space in the most efficient way possible – through intricate self-repeating patterns known as “fractals”. “The leaves of the western swordfern are densely crammed with veins, making them extremely efficient for storing energy and transporting water around the plant,” said a leading member of the team. “Our electrode is based on these fractal shapes – which are self-replicating, like the mini structures within snowflakes – and we’ve used this naturally-efficient design to improve solar energy storage at a nano level.


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