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The smelling sense of dogs are advancing to a great extent and they have now been trained to sniff diabetes and cancer too apart from other things like bacteria, DVDs and under water dead bodies.
Dogs were trained by bee keepers way back in 1970s to find diseased beehives to result getting healthier swarms of honey bees. Now it is said the canine can inspect bee colonies and save entire hive.
Dogs have been trained to uncover polycarbonate materials in Southeast Asia to stop the trade of fake DVDs. Polycarbonate is used in manufacturing a DVD.
Drowned Dead Bodies
Water sniffers in the United States can discover a drowned corpse too. The dogs are trained well to smell dead body lying under the water. They in fact smell the scent released by wind and water currents.
Dogs can be of great help in healthcare industry too. They are being trained to alert diabetic owners when the level of blood sugar rises to a dangerous threshold. Some dogs are even being trained to grab an insulin kit too during a diabetic attack.
Bed Bugs
Dogs can sweep entire house for their owner free of bed bugs, which are a widespread problems in big cities. The accuracy rate is said to be 96 percent in doing the cleaning job.
Minerals, Ores
The Finland government is currently sponsoring the training of such breeds of dogs that can smell valuable rocks and ores in the mountains.
The smelling sense of dogs is advancing to a great extent and currently some of the breeds are being trained to even sniff out cancer cells. They can do so by smelling breath of owners and thereafter smell the cancer within.