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Chaotic (or actually extremely complex and only apparently chaotic) systems seem to be the diametrical opposite of completely integrable systems about which TGD is a possible example. There is however also something common: in completely integrable classical systems all orbits are cyclic and in chaotic systems they form a dense set in the space of orbits. Furthermore, in chaotic systems the approach to chaos occurs via steps as a control parameter is changed. Same would take place in adelic TGD fusing the descriptions of matter and cognition.
In TGD Universe the hierarchy of extensions of rationals inducing finite-dimensional extension of p-adic number fields defines a hierarchy of adelic physics and provides a natural correlate for evolution. Galois groups and ramified primes appear as characterizers of the extensions. The sequences of Galois groups could characterize an evolution by phase transitions increasing the dimension of the extension associated with the coordinates of “world of classical worlds” (WCW) in turn inducing the extension used at space-time and Hilbert space level. WCW decomposes to sectors characterized by Galois groups G3 of extensions associated with the 3-surfaces at the ends of space-time surface at boundaries of causal diamond (CD) and G4 characterizing the space-time surface itself. G3 (G4) acts on the discretization and induces a covering structure of the 3-surface (space-time surface). If the state function reduction to the opposite boundary of CD involves localization into a sector with fixed G3, evolution is indeed mapped to a sequence of G3s.
Also the cognitive representation defined by the intersection of real and p-adic surfaces with coordinates of points in an extension of rationals evolve. The number of points in this representation becomes increasingly complex during evolution. Fermions at partonic 2-surfaces connected by fermionic strings define a tensor network, which also evolves since the number of fermions can change.
The points of space-time surface invariant under non-trivial subgroup of Galois group define singularities of the covering, and the positions of fermions at partonic surfaces could correspond to these singularities – maybe even the maximal ones, in which case the singular points would be rational. There is a temptation to interpret the p-adic prime characterizing elementary particle as a ramified prime of extension having a decomposition similar to that of singularity so that category theoretic view suggests itself.
One also ends up to ask how the number theoretic evolution could select preferred p-adic primes satisfying the p-adic length scale hypothesis as a survivors in number theoretic evolution, and ends up to a vision bringing strongly in mind the notion of conserved genes as analogy for conservation of ramified primes in extensions of extension. heff/h=n has natural interpretation as the order of Galois group of extension. The generalization of hbargr= GMm/v0=hbareff hypothesis to other interactions is discussed in terms of number theoretic evolution as increase of G3, and one ends up to surprisingly concrete vision for what might happen in the transition from prokaryotes to eukaryotes.
For details see the article What could be the role of complexity theory in TGD?.
For a summary of earlier postings see Latest progress in TGD.
Articles and other material related to TGD.