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By Mikes Backyard
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Stock Plants and Growing in Containers

Monday, October 31, 2016 0:36
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Stock plants, rooted cuttings, cuttings, that’s my business.

Up against the donkey fence, I have planted several stock plants to take cuttings from. They are my gold mine. I have Anabelle Hydrangea and Gold Flame Spirea among many others. The Gold Flame Spirea is just a phenomenal plant. It is easy to propagate and it sells like crazy. You can grow it in a bed or in containers.


Annabelle Hydrangea

Container area with thousands of plants

Container area with thousands of plants

You can see the difference in profit between growing several hundred plants in a bed or a thousand plants in containers in basically the same amount of space.  Like I said, it is easier to sell 10 plants at $5.97 than one at $39.00 or more.

Of all the plants I have, I am running very low on Gold Mound Spirea.  The members in the Backyard Growers Business Center sold out of every Gold Mound Spirea plant and I couldn’t buy any more.  Good for them!

Watch this movie me and Duston made explaining the math of growing plants.


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