(Before It's News)
Our weekend flew by way too quickly. My husband and I shared a first together… our behinds spent a Friday night sitting in fold out chairs watching our little boy in a talent show. Each grade performed a little song together between acts and we watched him sing. I think it was more fun to watch him hang out with his buddies in the audience and see how he interacted with all of them.
After the talent show we took Caleb out for ice cream. We had such a warm, beautiful Friday and I cannot wait for spring to be here. Sitting in the truck with the windows down just seemed like the right way to enjoy that kind of weather.

On Saturday I was able to be with one of my sweetest friends as she shopped for her wedding dress. I am one of her bridesmaids and I cannot wait to stand by her side as she marries her sweetheart. Luckily she found her dress and it is amazing on her.

While we were there, I got to try on a dress for the wedding too. Fortunately I love the colors she picked for the wedding and she has fabulous taste. I am so thankful for that! We may have joked back and forth about dress options for me, but I know that whatever she picks it will be beautiful. And I totally love dressing up.

All of this wedding planning lately has me itching to do my own planning. My ten year anniversary is coming up next year and I don’t think it would be a terrible idea to do a vow renewal with my own sweetheart.
Have any of you considered doing one or have you done one? Did you love it? Or would you have waited? What are your thoughts on them?
