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Pan American Silver Corp.: Jim Simons Invests $20.4 Million

Thursday, July 9, 2015 4:51
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When celebrity investors like Jim Simons buy a stock, the market follows; pushing the stock higher and forcing average investors to pay a higher price. But Pan American Silver Corp. (NASDAQ/PAAS) dropped by more than five percent on Tuesday, July 7th, meaning that everyone can buy this valuable miner for about the same price as Simons. (Source: SEC Filings, July 7, 2015.)

Simons runs one of the most successful hedge funds in the world—Renaissance Technologies. The “Quant King,” as he’s known, was one of the first on Wall Street to embrace electronic trading. That’s probably because Simons is a mathematical genius, having attended MIT before working as a code breaker during the Vietnam War. (Source: Forbes, May 13, 2015.)

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