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Very Close Encounter: Enormous asteroid to zip between Earth and moon (+Video)

Monday, June 8, 2015 2:21
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(Before It's News)

A 30-meter wide asteroid is set to pass between the earth and moon on June 8, but scientists say it is of no threat to Earth

Asteroid 2015 LF, which was first observed on June 5, 2015, will pass within 0.5 lunar distances (121,000 miles)

The Goldstone Observatory, located in California’s Mojave Desert, will observe the asteroid during its approach.

While confirming that the asteroid is not a threat to Earth, scientists say that if the asteroid were on course to impact earth it would cause a multimegaton atmospheric explosion over Earth’s surface, rather than impacting it. 
It potentially would be quite damaging (and even lethal) out to distances of 10 to 20 kilometers in all directions if it happened over a populated region with weak structures.

Lunar Meteorite Hunter;orb=1



Image credit: ESO

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