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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Invisible Entities Living In Earth’s Atmosphere (Video)

Wednesday, March 1, 2017 4:12
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Thunder Energies Corporation, an optics, nuclear physics and energy company and run by Harvard-educated Italian-American nuclear physicist Dr Ruggero Santilli, claims to have detected “invisible entities” living in Earth’s atmosphere.


Dr Ruggero Santilli published an article in which he reveals the existence of these unknown invisible entities of the dark and bright type which are completely invisible to our eyes.

Moreover these beings could be spying on us, according to Dr. Santilli.

The following video shows some of these entities moving around volcanoes.


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Total 2 comments
  • A wonderful book was written years ago (1983) by Lyall Watson called “Heaven’s Breath : A natural history of the wind.”

    In it, Mr. Watson discusses entities that apparently live in the upper atmosphere, so the information in this article, while interesting, is not original.

    Heaven’s Breath is available at Amazon :

  • Nah. Someone’s pulled the plug on a whole bunch of weather balloons.

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