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Date of sighting: February 2, 2017
Location of sighting: Castlegar, British Colombia, Canada
News source: MUFON #81876
Photo file:
This is a very fascinating report sent in today and I have to admit its got me stumped. Most UFOs wont make a cloud unless its to hide in or to make cloud tunnels. I have even seen a three arm starfish UFO rotating like a slow fan inside of a cloud before, but this is really amazing. The photos were sent in HD and are included in the file above you can use them as you wish.
The UFO seen in the photos is a disk shape and is glowing incredibly. The sides of the disk are not glowing, but its center is. The UFO seems to have lost control and was crashing to earth somewhere in the forest hills of BC. The fact that it depended slowly rules out meteor. The fact that its perfectly shaped like a disk rules out jet, rocket or satellite. So, all we have left is an alien craft falling to earth as if its been attacked, possibly shot down with the old Ronald Reagan Star Wars satellites which have missiles on them to attack. There is actually a video from long ago of a missile shooting at a UFO and the UFO suddenly makes a hard right turn to avoid it. I will include that old video below.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
These same type of objects were witnessed on two occasions. Yesterday I was out on the back porch when my husband pointed out what looked to me like a jet at first. It was a quick presumption on my part and due to the cloud like trails it was leaving behind. But with a bit more observation it became obvious that it was not. It was moving far too slow to be a jet and was falling toward the ground. Looking through the binoculars I could see two bright orbs of light at the leading edge which seemed to separate slightly from one another. The decent was far slower than I imagine gravity would bring a solid object down. It took at least five minutes to get from mid sky to where I could no longer see it behind the trees. Around the same time today my husband came in to tell me that there was another one in the sky. This time I thought to grab my camera. It looked and acted almost identical to yesterday’s sighting, a bright circle of light falling at a slow rate of speed leaving two trails behind it. Two very fast jets flew across the sky from west to east in the same area as it descend. When I lost sight of it behind the trees I took a look around and spotted another one higher in the sky but in the same southern direction. It too look as though it was falling to the ground and at the same slow rate of speed. This one however broke into four segments but all four fell at the same rate. Another jet flew by shortly before I lost sight of it. And then another, but this one came from the east, did a quick turn about above the falling object and returned east. These jets were far faster than commercial airlines fly. I did and still do feel a bit bewildered by what I saw and am very curious to know what exactly I witnessed.
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