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Agents Posing As Hitch Hikers Across The Southwest. Is This Jade Helm Preparation???

Wednesday, May 20, 2015 13:34
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(Before It's News)

Hitch hiking is becoming less common these days as the inherent dangers have been exposed allowing strangers into your car, along with insurance companies wisely no longer allowing truckers to pick them up. It does, however still go on. Laws and law enforcement officers are doing the best they can to clean these vagrants and homeless people off the streets- even taking them to FEMA camps so we won’t have to face this danger any longer.





After all, if these people were worth caring about, they would not be out walking. Intelligence we have gathered indicates that there are undercover agents of unknown origin posing as hitch hikers across the American Southwest. We have not heard any stories of anything bad happening, yet, but there’s no telling if they have any victims that are unaccounted for. What we have heard is that they engage in small talk and seem to be evaluating those that pick them up for politcal and religious ideologies as well as gathering personal information. Some have been reported taking pictures of cars that pass them by. All of this as the infamous Jade Helm 15 operation draws near.





What these people are up to is unclear at this point, but we highly recommend that you do not pick them up or give them assistance of any kind. Call the Police immediately to report this suspicious, unamerican activity. 



Our enemies are all around us. Be aware and be prepared for anything. Fear is not an option.



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