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Total: | (est. 1988) offers daily commentary on intelligence and espionage developments from around the world. It is edited by intelligence experts Dr. Joseph Fitsanakis and Ian Allen.
The absurdity of American politics reached new heights over the weekend, as President Donald Trump dramatically alleged on Twitter that his predecessor, Barack Obama, wiretapped his telephones last year. If the president is unable to prove his dramatic claims, his reliability will be further-eroded, and what little is left of his relationship with the American intelligence and national-security communities will disintegrate. If his allegations are proven, they will cause a scandal of unprecedented proportions from which American political institutions —including the presidency— will find it difficult to recover.
I hope the DOJ is working on the prosecution of Barry Soetoro for high treason, war crimes and of course identity fraud. If he is found guilty of any of the charges he must hang by his treasonous faggot pencil neck.
Of course there is no doubt Barry is guilty on all the above offenses and many more. Hurry up Jeff, don’t give Barry time to flee the country to a Muslim nation where he would be right at home amongst his fellow muzzie scumbags. Then again, would they throw Barry off a tall building or chop his head off for being a sodomite faggot bitch? I sure in the hell hope they would as in muzzieland being a faggot sodomite is a capitol offense requiring the death penalty.
I will be dancing in the streets when Barry gets the punishment he deserves! Somebody please do something with this treasonous sodomite cockroach who is trying to overthrow our government!