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Jesus’ The Christ Chronicles #8: Feel Me as I now Come Again

Monday, February 27, 2017 16:08
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image Cody and Ram 3

This message was received at 3:07 am Mountain Time, on February 27, 2017, at The Star Lodge healing Centre in Lake George Colorado, USA, by Cody Golden Elk at [email protected].

CODY: Old teacher, Master, and friend…..while reading Mother Mary’s words, you have wished to speak, again, so please teach us….tell us what it is to help us.

JESUS: Yes my brother, my son of old, from the older days back in Rome…you have just had a powerful experience, and stepped both backwards and forwards in time, while still upon the Earth. Thy Father’s House is filled with many rooms, many hallways, many doorways…yet all of them….each and every one of them…no matter what paths we each choose in our Earthly lives and also our Spiritual lives….ALL LEAD THROUGH THE LIGHT BACK TO GOD – back to oneness, unity, and peace.

Do not be dissuaded or turned away again from the Light, as there is much Darkness now, upon the beautiful Earth. I am now coming again. Coming in the dreams and visions of many souls across the Earth – in many countries, times, and places – to yet, again, bring the higher teachings, in and of the Light. The Light of thy Father’s House. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear will, again, bring my/our Father’s message of Light and Truth to a dark, unjust, and troubled world.

Yet, the times have changed and there has been much progress since the days of Rome, as we all walked together in the flesh. Yet, human beings and human nature has changed little, despite the marvellous advances of science and technology. But the Spiritual advancement of the masses of people, as it once was also in Rome, is lacking and has fallen far behind. This imbalance between technology and Spiritual development has certainly and most inevitably led to the state of Earth as it is today. The same consequences of this type of imbalance occurred also in the Atlantean times of Earth’s past. The same forces, the same struggle, between the Forces of Light and the Forces of darkness, are at hand now, just as they were back then.

But know, Sons and Daughters of man, that I am coming soon through the dreams, visions, and hearts of Man. This will be seen as a big increase in more people hearing, seeing, and feeling me….for I do come again. Many of my words and the prophets and disciples words of old were twisted and mangled by those of the priesthoods, so thirsty for power, about my so called “second coming”. The truth, my son, IS THAT I HAVE NEVER LEFT…..always there to comfort the weary, help the poor, and heal the sick.

For, my love for you all is the same as thy Father’s LOVE for each of you, his creations, and we will always be there with eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to love. So, go forth in the Light and know and feel me as I now come again. Open up to me – open your hearts – and FEEL my love, thy Father’s LOVE – the Angels LOVE, and the Archangel’s LOVE.

For, now, I come again.             (end 3:25 am MT)

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Total 1 comment
  • It now has to come back to Earthlings to deliver – notice what He says – for Jesus is now present on the inside, not on the outside as he was before.

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