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This message was received sometime early in the morning on March 17, 2017 at The Star Lodge healing Centre in Lake George Colorado, USA by Cody Golden Elk at [email protected].
AUTHORS NOTE: Just before this message from Jesus Christ came in, the Dark Lord, Satan, or Lucifer, came upon and over me to try to scare me and to steal and take my Soul. As Satan’s dark energy was so very powerful, I could barely breathe and felt as if I were surely going to die and have a heart attack. As I gasped for air, I begged the Forces of Light and the master Christ to help me. The mighty Angels and Arch Angels of Light came into the room. What followed was a full blown war, then Christ appeared himself to banish Lucifer away. Once Satan was gone, struggling to breath, Jesus spoke these words. I don’t care what any of you think. Since I am still alive, I must bring his words. These types of Great Spiritual Battles are about to manifest on the Earth Plane, in the form of war.
JESUS CHRIST: “…..all ye who hold me in your hearts shall not perish from this Earth…for you have chosen to come to this time upon our mother. Fear is what the Dark Lords try to use as their weapon….do not give in to it, for the LIGHT is eternal….now is your test, each of you…now is the time to look deeply into your hearts, and find me in the Light there.
As I carried the cross in Rome and the Roman times, I felt the same dread…the same fear…walking to my death, of my earthly robes. I carried this burden to show you all that it could be done….that each of you can face this ultimate fear, the fear of death…to face it in dignity and grace…to prove to you…each of you…that you truly are Spiritual beings of Light sent forth from my Fathers house, to come upon the earth and bring Light and truth to a backwards world.
Don’t you see that Satan, Lucifer…all he has is this ultimate fear of death over you. Yes, there is and there will be pain and suffering…there always is in life upon the earth, in these, our bodies, our fleshly robes. But I have come here, and I now come again… to show you that this fear is an illusion, that you can take up a body, the robes of flesh, then leave it at will and do this feat over and over again. Some call this ascension, some call it by other names.
Rejoice now IN THE LIGHT. Rejoice that THIS TRUTH is alive and well upon your world. Know that as the Dark Ones come in strength and in force now…..THAT SO DO THE FORCES OF LIGHT. Satan saves his power and strength to attack the Light, to try to destroy it through fear…….
….So now, give away your lives, each of you. Give them to the Light, our Father’s Light. Give them, through me to God, our Father. For, if you can do this….THEN SATAN CANNOT CONTROL YOU THROUGH FEAR…THE FEAR OF DEATH. Use my example to hold this truth in your heart….for individual people can be murdered and tortured, as in the days of Rome…….BUT THE LIGHT REMAINS, AND CAN NEVER, EVER DIE.
This is the flaw in their plans to instill fear in the masses. If there is no fear, since the truth has been revealed, then the Forces of Darkness…of Satan Himself cannot win, for they cannot control those who are unafraid. I fought this fear myself, as I CARRIED THE HEAVY CROSS ON THOSE DUSTY STREETS IN ROME. THERE WERE TIMES, AS I WALKED IN AGONY, TO MY CERTAIN SLOW DEATH, THAT MY LOWER HUMAN EGO, AND THE DARK FORCES, TRIED TO CONSUME ME.
Believe me when I tell you this, my son, for this was a very hard thing………But, I did it because I loved you… our Father loved you….as he has created each of you in love. Go forth now, and carry this burden, as I have done, to show the world that each of you can overcome fear….AND STEP INTO THE LIGHT. This is the Great Battle of Armageddon, playing out now in each of your hearts.
Choose the Light. Choose the Light. Choose the pathway back to our Father….for NONE passes through these hallways of fear, then these hallways of Light, unless they pass by me. For, I came to earth to show each of you how to do this. Follow me…follow my lead…follow your hearts…each of you….BACK INTO THE LIGHT. I am Sananda, also known as Jesus the Christ. As I promised….I have come again.” (end 1:50 am Mountain time)
(Afterword: After Jesus’s message was recorded. I cried for a long, long time. This Spiritual Battle, this WAR between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness, left my living room trashed. I am still alive….but FOREVER changed. May the Angels of Light and Jesus Christ send their Love on to and through each of you, and give you peace….Cody Golden Elk.)
Thanks for your message Cody …………. it looks like “THIS IS IT” ………..
And this , oh so true………
“This is the Great Battle of Armageddon, playing out now in each of your hearts.”
By obscuring our hearts with our minds or logic ………
like today’s news with the lady in high places saying that it is alright to have an abortion because the baby is not the sex people may of wanted………how completely cold, heartless can people get.
The light waves that can run through our hearts and beings, can be felt as waves of love turning into more love and becoming bliss.
How can we tune into our hearts, ………… feeling the love of life, by realizing we have been hiding from our hearts forever as we need a clear conscience to perceive or experience our hearts.
The loving heart brings with an eternal understanding of peace and realization.
The Dark is increasing but then so is the Light increasing also.
Once again, thank you for this message and all that you have done previously.