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Anger Management Class Rapes Men

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 7:41
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(left, Sen Patrick Leahy of Vermont helped pass VAWA, Violence against Women Act that destabilizes and destroys marriages.) 

There is a concerted Illuminati Jewish program to emasculate white heterosexual men. We see it in the race demonstrations on college campuses like the University of Missouri where the President resigned just because someone had hurled a racial slur. We see it in the domestic violence industry

where men must pay $60 a week for six months to learn that by virtue of their masculinity, they are violent mindless thugs. Garth Sherwood reports that “it’s like paying to be raped.” 

by Garth Sherwood


As I sit here in this circled group of forlorn and lonely-looking men, I am immediately struck by the resemblance between their faces and the pictures of the detainees in the Holocaust Concentration Camps.


(No women in anger management class)

These men have the same vacuous look in their eye, the same slumped over, weary posture of men beaten into  submission – their manhood merely a smoking ember of its past.

The purpose of these classes is to use guilt to teach men that their normal male instincts are criminal in nature; that the only socially acceptable male behavior is homosexual. The teachers read passages and show films that depict men as vicious monsters. The purpose is to erase masculinity much as you would domesticate a dog.  

After spending months with these fellow travellers, I realize what they have in common. A real sociopath would not have put up with these women. They were the “nice guy” types who stayed too long in a bad relationship because of romantic brainwashing.


Every woman in America has the power to leave what they perceive to be a “bad relationship,” at any time. They can, as Paul Simon once sang about, “Slip out the back, Jack, no need to be coy Roy, and just set yourself free.”


So can their men – they can also simply leave, never return, and never return phone calls. The difference however is that Joseph Biden’s VAWA Law of 1994, completely eviscerated the US Constitution, and made arrests mandatory for any and all domestic “incidents,” even when there was no violence involved, no evidence found, and no probable cause needed. The only stipulation is that the woman “felt threatened.”

As author Khepri Rising famously stated in his seminal Book, The Family Court Industrial Complex and Post Traumatic Family Court Disorder:

The Family Court Industrial Complex …is evolutionary based ‘male rape’ and that many of the systems victims are suffering from an insidious malady known as Post Traumatic Family Court Disorder (PTFCD)…For too long man has laid dormant while the barbarian family court system has ravaged his home and decimated his family, and he is emotionally too crippled to even put into words …emotions too painful to even bear let alone name or grieve.”

This “Post Traumatic Family (or Criminal) Court Disorder” (“PTFCD”) is apparent on every one of the sullen and tortured faces of these downtrodden men. A high percentage had evidence of their innocence yet the State continued to aggressively prosecute and crush them. 


It is disheartening to hear these men recount how their “domestic incidents” did not even involve any violence, but merely arguing back and forth. They described a variety of overbearing, bullying, unstable,  violent, threatening, blackmailing, screeching, lying, dishonest, cheating, and temperamental women, sometimes under the influence of alcohol or drugs, destroying themselves, their children, and their man.

The problem with giving women power to arbitrarily arrest, incarcerate and destroy any man is that many  will use that power illegally. And by the time the State finally figures out that she was lying, it is already too invested in the destruction of the male victim for fear that his lawyer will sue them .

All the teachers know its a racket and some openly sympathize with the attendees. They think that the program and VAWA laws are ridiculous. It’s just a job to them – but they all fear their “big boss” who runs the clinic.

The men think it’s a huge waste of time. They hate Joe Biden and Bill Clinton for passing the VAWA law. They don’t even pretend to buy into the bullshit; they know what’s happening to them. Apathetic and mocking the class, they range in age from 20-60. All races. But the guys like each other and enjoy sharing the time together, and bitching about their exes who put them there, and the corrupt system. It’s like being in Vietnam. They are not highly familiar with the hidden agenda behind their problems.

The classes take place once a week, an hour-long each. Ten-20 people per class, and there are classes around the clock, on the hour every hour all week long, all through the year. Keep in mind that my program is one of hundreds in this city. Duplicate this all around the country and you are easily talking a multi-billion dollar business since we each pay (only cash) $60 for each session in advance. It’s like paying to be raped. 



Just like the “Military Industrial Complex” needs to fuel global conflict, so the Family Court Industrial Complex also benefits from their misery. I suspect we’ll find that it wasn’t women’s groups who initiated VAWA. It was the Big Banks, Money Power, the Globalist Elite, and others who wanted to get rid of the Constitutional protections and the Family Unit.

By killing off and subverting the spirit of men, separating them from their families and children, making their woman dependent on the State for child support and security, society is destabilized and less able to defend itself from the NWO.

Related- The Illuminati Use Women to Destroy Men 

————— The Dawn of the Feminist Police State 

Source: .html

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Total 9 comments
  • So…the author describes sitting through his anger management classes as being akin to being raped, and Henry agrees with him.

    I wonder…..has the author ever been violently raped? Hmmmm?

    Were tissues bruised, torn, ripped, left burning, stinging and throbbing in pain for days? Were lumps, swollen black eyes, black inner thighs left for you to star at for months? Did you lose any jaw teeth? How about Scars in the shape of circles that form little triangles on your back for the rest of your life?

    You have no idea what you are talking about……and you have no idea what anger is, or what it means to manage it.

    • We bow to your extraordinary powers of perception.

      How tolerant of you.


      • Dear ass,

        I hope we meet on better terms next time.


    • As well all know, men that have anger issues, tea party members, and men who love their guns too much, all have something in common….. Something very small…….. :mrgreen:

    • I’m going to play the Devil’s Advocate here, because I’ve had horrible relationships, with women I can only describe as sociopathic Harpies.

      Now, the author being all melodramatic “It’s like paying to be raped”, doesn’t help his stance. It’s a stupid thing to say. However, forcing men to take classes, at their own expense, is simply ridiculous. Even if they really need Anger Management classes, forcing them to pay for it only adds insult to injury. The courts should be made to provide the courses, free to those who are being forced to attend, at the court’s insistence.

      There is an inherent bias toward the woman’s side, in family court. This is something I’ve experienced first hand. For some reason, it’s difficult for a man to catch a break, in that system (at least in Canada, anyway). Our family court system is rife with Activist Judges.
      I don’t think it’s because of some silly conspiracy, propagated by bankers, Zionists, and Globalist reptilian overlords, but it is a fact that men are more likely to be railroaded, in family court. In fact, a friend of mine, is being forced to pay child support for a child that isn’t his. He and his ex didn’t even have a kid, together. The actual father vanished out west, and my buddy was raising the child, so he got hosed.

      I’m not saying this to be sexist, but women have an easier time claiming victimhood, than men; even if they’re not the actual victim. I’ve seen men brought up on real rape charges, despite everything was completely consensual (the “victim” admitted in court, that it was. Her father found out that she was having sex, freaked out, and she concocted a rape story, to stay out of trouble.) Mind you, in a lot of domestic cases, who the victim actually is, is a matter of perspective.

      Enough with the serious stuff. Here’s a Canadian cultural icon, and his take on this “Men’s Rights Movement”. Enjoy

      • “women I can only describe as sociopathic Harpies.”

        I’m sure there are plenty of those. I’m also sure there are plenty of men who fall under that same description.

        And yes…the rape comparison was stupid.

        “Even if they really need Anger Management classes, forcing them to pay for it only adds insult to injury. The courts should be made to provide the courses, free to those who are being forced to attend, at the court’s insistence”

        Just for perspectives sake, if a person is put on probation for the commission of a crime…they have to pay out of their own pocket to see their probation officer. Is that also an insult to injury? Or should the courts provide the probation officers time, drug testing if necessary, and any help the p.o. offers assisting in job searches and housing for free?

        The whole point of the classes is not just to educate those men AND WOMEN in anger management how to best reign in their tempers (who got lucky they didn’t end up in front of a probation officer, but to make it just painful enough that it motivates them to do the work to finish the course and NOT have to repeat it.

        In short…men can walk out of an argument just as easily as a woman can. Sometimes anger management involves managing how you behave (or choose to leave) in the event someone elses anger spirals out of control.

        • I should have prefaced my earlier rant, by indicating that my opinions are based on those cases, when men were prosecuted (and sometimes incarcerated) for defending themselves against their “spouse”; only to have a judge ignore it, and paint the man as the aggressor.

          “Just for perspectives sake, if a person is put on probation for the commission of a crime…they have to pay out of their own pocket to see their probation officer. Is that also an insult to injury?”
          I’m not sure how Probation works in the States, but up here, we don’t have to pay out of pocket, to see a probie. Here, their services are a government expense, because it was a government decision, to have you in that system. Mind you, Probies here don’t do a hell of a lot, in terms of job search and housing searches.

          “Or should the courts provide the probation officers time, drug testing if necessary, and any help the p.o. offers assisting in job searches and housing for free?”
          Absolutely, they should. The judicial system up here, and in the States are more than well-funded. The probation arm of the Judiciary is merely one department of the whole company. The Judges, bailiffs, public defenders, and stenographers all get paid by the Justice Department (in one way, or another), why not those who work within the system, but not in the court? Hell, even private prisons are funded by the state.

          “n short…men can walk out of an argument just as easily as a woman can. Sometimes anger management involves managing how you behave (or choose to leave) in the event someone elses anger spirals out of control.”
          I agree, completely. However, if both parties end up with injuries, who will end up being prosecuted?

          A$$holes come in both sexes. I’m just of the mind that all should be treated fairly, in court. Unfortunately, activist judges are the order of the day, and they have the power to enforce their personal feelings on whomever they choose.

          • “Hell, even private prisons are funded by the state”

            Your system is looking better all the time…what kind of health insurance do ya’ll have? :wink:

            “if both parties end up with injuries, who will end up being prosecuted?”

            If I were in such a position, I’d call for a “Tit for Tat” law. Where all medical and property bills would be due and payable by both parties equally and no criminal action would be taken. If those people want to kill each other then they may do so.

            HOWEVER, their children would be taken to live with family or foster care and no visitation would be allowed until two separate living situations were proven. Any further incidents would prevent their seeing their children for life.

            “A$$holes come in both sexes”

            I agree. Working in the E.R., I had the sad occasion to treat victims of brutal rapes….those women sometimes didn’t know their attacker, sometimes they did, but they never really knew why they were raped.

            People in anger management can trace back nearly every step and tell you exactly how they ended up in those programs.
            Political correctness is not very high on my list of worries. But there are things out there, that once you see them, they never leave you.

          • You kidding? I’m Canadian. I have medical insurance, but with our Universal system (what Obamacare should have been), I usually only end up using it, to help with prescription costs.

            As for the rest, I have to agree. It would be great if there were a “Tit for Tat” law. I just don’t see one coming, any time soon.

            Hey, I’m male, white, straight, and I eat meat. I’m one speeding ticket away from actually being the devil. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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