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Investigating Paranormal “Hot Spots”

Thursday, March 16, 2017 14:03
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(Before It's News)

I LOVE serious investigations into anomalous activity– and there is a new one starting up in the San Luis Valley in Colorado. The article below spells it out:

In short, the eastern side gets a ton of UFO reports, the western side has bigfoot reports, and the valley itself is infamous for large animal mutiliations– its a well-known 'hot spot' most of the time, but prone to paranormal flap periods where encounters spike. Its going through such a period now, and for the first time since Robert Bigelow's investigations at the Skinwalker Ranch in northeastern Utah, they are doing real research.

Mainly, they're using a system of trail cameras and CCTV networks to keep an 'eye' on things. Whenever a UFO or strange animal is spotted, an alert goes out to a group of people participating. Everyone in viewing range or near-by goes out with their cameras and collects data, and all information gets sent to a central location to be analyzed.

Given how regularly odd events happen in this region, they're hoping to gather lots of evidence. No one has ever tried anything quite like this before, so it will be VERY interesting to follow up on this periodically. I really hope they succeed in getting some hard evidence! At Spiral’s End: What’s Left After the Paradigm Shatters is the personal paranormal blog of a woman that follows not only current odd events in her life, but recounts incidents from her past, including lifelong alien abductions, encounters with ghosts and other spiritual beings, and premonitions from either waking visions or dreams. She reacts and speculates about the deeper meaning behind these incidents and wonders– what is the ultimate reality or intelligence behind it all?


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