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Reviewing my stance on science (as inspired by a recent critic!) has really encouraged me to take a second look at where the heck I got my opinion on such matters! It wasn't convenient attitude by any means. Rather, it was as a result of being forced by my own particular set of experiences to confront where conventional science is FAILING to address some very big issues. Yesterday, I mentioned how biased medical research leads to grim consequences for many people, especially women, who have more complex illnesses. Today, I want to dive more deeply into the poison that contaminates 'Establishment Science' in general, aside from fraud encouraged by research grants from less than disinterested parties.
No one makes my point better than the guy I'm about to highlight!
He pissed off the Scientific Establishment so much they banned his T.E.D. talk on the TED site itself. Amusingly, it subsequently became one of the most popular TED talks ever watched! So much for censorship! =^D
That 18 minute video here:
Highlights below…
The Science Delusion: “That science already understands the nature of reality in principle, leaving only a few details to be filled in…
There's a conflict in the heart of science, between science as a method of inquiry, based on reason, evidence, hypothesis, and collective investigation, and science as a belief system or world view. Unfortunately, the world view aspect of science has come to inhibit and restrict the free inquiry which is the very lifeblood of the scientific endeavor.”
Sheldrake goes on to explain that what has happened is that 'science' as a worldview has become essentially materialist. Breaking out of this limited perspective, on the other hand, will regenerate science– as it allows for very exciting new avenues of study that have been outside the box for several decades now.
Next, he explains the “dogmas” of current science, and examines them from a truly scientific mindset– how do these truisms stand up?
1.) That nature and the natural universe (including plants, animals, and humans) is mechanical or machine-like.
2.) That matter is unconscious. (Things, animals, even humans can't be conscious- last century spent trying to prove it.)
3.) The laws of nature are fixed and unchanging. (How things work now is how they have always worked and will always work.)
4.) The total amount of energy and matter is always the same. (Since the Big Bang anyway- it all sprang out of nothing instantly.)
5.) There is no purpose to nature. (Evolution has no direction; development occurs by lucky mutations offering survival advantage.)
6.) Biological heredity is material. (From genes, natural random mutation, etc.)
7.) Memories are stored in your brain as material traces. (No one knows how this works exactly, but they're sure its physical.)
8.) Your mind is inside your head, solely as a result of brain activity. (There's nothing more there. No brain = no mind.)
9.) Psychic phenomena (like telepathy) are impossible. (Thoughts and intentions can have no influence beyond your own head.)
10.) Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that works. (Other treatments only appear to work due to coincidence/placebo effect.)
These dogmas are held as unvarying beliefs by educated people all over the world, and its part of our education systems, government policies, and acceptable research.
Sheldrake only has time to look into a couple of the dogmas to show how they ALL fall apart under any real scrutiny. The first he digs into is #3– that nature is fixed. Its a holdover from before the 1960s, before the Big Bang Theory was accepted. Before that, the universal laws were deemed “eternal and unchanging forever.” The Big Bang theory, however, revealed that the universe is NOT fixed, that in fact it can be wildly dynamic and changing. Yet the Big Bang theory itself requires believing in one miracle: that everything came out of nothing. Yet, how can that rationally be…?
On the more local level, Sheldrake decided to look up whether measurements of certain things deemed “constant” were indeed unchanging just over the time period they've been measured. Answer–? NO. Example: The speed of light DROPPED by a huge margin between 1928 and 1945. In 1948, the speed jumped UP again. (Researchers all over the world were getting matching readings in all instances, so it wasn't explained by error between reporting stations.) Another supposed constant, gravity, is measured as changing all the time– yet they discard that and come up with an 'average' that then becomes 'unchanging.' Think about that!
There's more of course, on the mind especially. Its well worth the 18 minutes of your time!
I have intended to buy Sheldrake's book on this for a few years now, and I think I'll move it to the top of my 'to buy' list. Gotta love a free-thinker, you know? Its the radicals on the fringes that move science forward – ALWAYS. Toe the line and be relegated to obscurity. Therefore, I shall not apologize for my 'radical' stance. I'm no scientist, but I am a logical thinker who attempts to follow the scientific method to help me understand what is so and what is not so. As long as I don't put guesses ahead of evidence, I'm good. Now I'm not talking the kind of evidence I can pull up in a sterile lab– I don't have the resources necessary for such a thing!– but in my own life, I can find ways to test my guesses (which is what hypotheses are) and collect the data that comes up. Its not foolproof, and I'm stumbled and been wrong plenty of times– but that's the essence of science: to be willing to be wrong and steer the inquiry into a new direction as a result.
I do believe I am on a roll! More science themed posts coming for the next week or two (unless something else worth mentioning pops up of course.) Buckle in, boys and girls!