Encore: 1924 French Police File Card for “Adolphe Jacob Hitler” ?
“Instrument of high powers?” ”Jacob? ” “Journalist?”
Hitler officially born 1889 not 1880
This appeared in a magazine “Science et Avenir” March 2009
Fiche signalétique établie par les Services de Renseignements Généraux (RG) en 1924. Né en 1880 à Passau Hitler Adolphe, Jacob, le Mussolini allemand Profession: journaliste Ne serait que l’instrument de puissances supérieures: n’est pas un imbécile mais un très adroit démagogue. Aurait Ludendorf derrière lui. Organise des Sturmtruppen genre fasciste. Tentative de coup d’Etat de novembre 1923: Condamné à 5 ans de forteresse avec possibilité de sursis après 6 mois de détention. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Descriptive card established by the French Police in 1924. Born in 1880 in Passau Hitler Adolphe, Jacob, the German Mussolini Profession: journalist
Appears to only be the instrument of higher powers: is not a dumb but a very skillful demagogue. Seems to be backed up by Ludendorf. Organizes Sturmtruppen fascist style Attempt of a Coup d’ Etat in November the 23rd: Convicted to 5 years of fortress with a possible suspension after 6 months of detention.
Hitler actually helped the Jew’s and let hundreds of thousands escape to Germany and helped them to start business and have a normal life… Check out the Jewish lifestyle in Germany before the war. I believe England were the ones that killed the Jew’s as they were making Germany very wealthy. And the Dracula family still rules half the planet. Known as THE COMMONWEALTH. they even owned America at one point
If he was ILLUMINATI the ROTHSCHILD ILLUMINATI otherwise known as England wouldn’t of attacked Germany.
Hitler actually helped the Jew’s and let hundreds of thousands escape to Germany and helped them to start business and have a normal life… Check out the Jewish lifestyle in Germany before the war. I believe England were the ones that killed the Jew’s as they were making Germany very wealthy. And the Dracula family still rules half the planet. Known as THE COMMONWEALTH. they even owned America at one point