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7 Modern Things Our Great-Grandparents Didn’t Have (That We Don’t Need, Either)

Friday, April 7, 2017 14:51
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7 Modern Things Our Great-Grandparents Didn’t Have (That We Don’t Need, Either)

Technology is wonderful, isn’t it? I mean, every day, someone is coming out with something new that they claim everyone just has to have. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about the latest app for our smartphones or the latest gadget for our kitchens, there’s always something new out there for those who are looking for something to buy.

But I’ll have to say, while some technology has made life better for us, much of it has stolen the essence of life. While it has given us new things we never had before, it has stolen so much more. In today’s fast-paced, technologically driven society, we’ve traded meaningful relationships for staring at a screen. We’ve traded creating things with our hands, for using our hands to control a joystick.

Have these things truly enriched us? I think not. Of course, some of these marvels have saved us time, freeing us up for things that are more important in life. But all too often, that extra time is merely wasted on something that doesn’t bring a true reward.

It’s clear that our grandparents and great-grandparents lived a simpler life. Many times, I think they lived a better one, too. Oh, they didn’t have the medical advances we have today, that’s true.


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Total 3 comments
  • You forgot autos…..and how fancy they have become. Want to watch a video while driving? Want to entertain the kids in the backseat so they don’t get bored looking out the window at the passing scenery? Get them a video player to look at. Such a waste of time and money and energy.

    In my day we just looked out the window….period. No lame videos to watch. Kids of today are spoiled rotten in that they get whatever they want and they get it now.

  • Ted

    Where’s the friggin’ list of seven items? :mad:

    • Ted

      Where’s the friggin’ list of seven items? :mad:

      After I posted my comment, I hit “refresh” and the list popped up! :oops:

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