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Game and Fish Commission to meet April 7-8 in Phoenix, Arizona

Friday, April 7, 2017 9:01
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Arizona Wildlife Views
Arizona Wildlife Views

Arizona Game and Fish Department

PHOENIX, Ariz. -( The next meeting of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission will be at 8 a.m. Friday, April 7, and Saturday, April 8, at AZGFD headquarters at 5000 W. Carefree Highway in Phoenix.

The public can attend the meeting or view it on a webcast on their website. On Friday only, the meeting also can be watched on streaming video at any regional office statewide.

Those who wish to speak to the commission may submit “speaker cards” (blue cards) in person at the meeting, or from any Game and Fish office (Friday only).

The ability to speak to the commission is not available for those viewing the webcast.

Items on Friday’s agenda include:

  • Consideration of several consent agenda items, including renewing an agreement with the State Land Department on right-of-way at Wenima Wildlife Area and separate actions on four road closures on State Trust Lands for resource protection, wildlife management or landowner relations. See consent agenda items.
  • A briefing on the status of state and federal legislation related to the department’s mission.
  • A briefing on the Mexican wolf recovery program.
  • An update on the department’s efforts toward accomplishing commission priorities.
  • Hearings on license revocations for violations of Game and Fish codes, and civil assessments for the illegal taking and/or possession of wildlife (time certain at 10 a.m.).
  • A presentation on Audubon Arizona’s conservation and education activities in partnership with AZGFD.
  • Approval of the Ben Avery Shooting Facility campground policy and fee structure revisions.
  • Separate approvals of a final notice of exempt rulemaking and final rulemaking, both of which outline amendments of Article 5 rules addressing boating and water sports.
  • Request for commission approval of revised commission policy A2.39, to streamline the manner in which the public is notified of temporary license promotions.

Items on the Saturday, April 8 agenda are:

  • Consideration of proposed commission orders 19, 20, 21, 22 and 24 to establish hunt seasons, season dates, bag and possession limits, and open/closed areas for the 2017/18 season for dove, band-tailed pigeons, waterfowl, snipe and sandhill cranes, and consideration of an amendment to commission order 16 (quail).
  • Consideration of proposed commission orders 2, 5-10, and 26 to establish hunt seasons, season dates, bag and possession limits, permit numbers and open/closed areas for the 2017/18 season for deer, turkey, javelina, bighorn sheep, bison, bear, mountain lion and population management.
  • Consideration of the proposed hunt permit-tag application schedule for fall 2017 hunts.
  • A briefing on public comment received thus far on the existing hunt guidelines and the timeline that will be followed in review and approval for the remainder of this guideline cycle.

To view a copy of the full meeting agenda, visit their website and click on the “commission agenda” link.

The Arizona Game and Fish Commission is a five-member, policy-setting board that oversees the Arizona Game and Fish Department. For more information about the commission, visit their website.

This post Game and Fish Commission to meet April 7-8 in Phoenix, Arizona appeared first on Shooting Sports News .


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