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Stinging Nettles: The Delicious Spring Edible ‘Weed’ That Is Easily Tamed

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 8:20
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Stinging Nettles: The Delicious Spring Edible ‘Weed’ That Is Easily Tamed

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Stinging nettles are a common forest plant found in Northern regions around the globe. They prefer rich soil near the edges of streams, lakes, springs and other sources of cool, clean water. Although they can be a nuisance for any person tromping through the woods in shorts, stinging nettles are an incredibly versatile and important wild edible.

Most people in our society no longer view nettles as a plant of value, but for early homesteaders and Native f of the nettle was used for treating joint pain and inflammation. Clearly, stinging nettle is a plant with multiple purposes.

So how does one find, harvest and utilize nettles? First, it is important to properly identify this plant in the wild. Nettles are characterized by the following features:

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