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The Fix is In

Sunday, April 9, 2017 1:25
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“Do I think [she committed a crime]? Yes, I think…It’s such an important story for our country and the world. It is one of the big stories of our time.”  – President Trump on Susan Rice being exposed as one of the key players in the wiretap scandal

A key player for sure for what was Susan Rice but a bought and paid for political operative working on behalf of the Obama administration. Now exposed as the person responsible for the ‘unmasking’ of President Trump’s transition team, this was found out after the White House Counsel’s office reviewed her document log requests. But know that in no way did this woman devise this wiretapping scenario on her own for Susan Rice is neither smart enough nor powerful enough to pull off this scope of targeted wiretapping without help and instructions.

And when you dismiss the currently circulating possibilities that maybe she was acting in connection with a joint investigation into Russian interference into the election or that she was simply seeking insight about foreign governments, what is left is the more likely scenario that Susan Rice was conducting the kind of political espionage President Trump has alleged all along and did so at the behest of her boss Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts

” data-medium-file=”” data-large-file=”” class=”wp-image-12451 alignright” src=”×236.jpg” alt=”" width=”167″ height=”99″ />And to that likely affect, this past Monday, Senator Rand Paul called for Susan Rice…Obama’s last National Security Advisor…to testify under oath…believing as do I that Obama himself might have ordered her to “unmask” Trump officials for “unspecified purposes”…actually for political purposes as in to bring the Trump administration down before it even began if truth be told. And then on Tuesday, Susan Rice herself admitted that she had asked for U.S. citizens to be “unmasked” on several occasions while hemming and hawing about whether any of those persons were on Trump’s transition team. And of course, she vehemently insisted that she had done nothing wrong.

“The allegations that somehow Obama administration officials utilized intelligence for political purposes are absolutely false…unmasking] is necessary to do my job…imagine if we saw something of grave significance about Russia, or China, or anybody else interfering with our political process,” were Susan Rice’s exact words…words based upon lies but then again words coming from the mouth of the ‘Liar of Benghazi’…words basically trying to insert into the discourse the Democrats nonsense that Russia ‘fixed’ the election so Hillary would lose…done so she could justify her what I and others truly believe to be criminal actions.

Saying that she was asked by the intelligence community to turn over the names of those in the Trump transition team who had been ‘caught,’ if you will, speaking via phone to or meeting in person with foreign officials under surveillance…and it was here that General Flynn was named…but what Susan Rice is not saying is that while these names…civilian names…are usually redacted in transcripts that high-level government officials can and do ‘request’ through a process called ‘unmasking.’ And what is ‘unmasking’ exactly…simply it is the identifying of those whose communications and conversations were inadvertently caught during a coordinated effort of intelligence gathering even though those persons were not the subject of a search warrant.

Now as for Susan Rice’s specific ‘requests’…’requests’ that are kept under ”tightly-controlled conditions”…these ‘requests’ are what exposed her actions. It must also be noted that each person requesting such information has to log-in by signing their name before being granted access to requested information, and it is important to know that Susan Rice was one of but three people (with the other two being CIA Director John Brennan and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch) that Obama gave permission “to request and consume unmasked NSA-based intelligence reports about U.S. citizens.”

And when this past February during a routine review of requests, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the National Security Council’s Senior Director for Intelligence, discovered that Susan Rice, on dozens of occasions, filed ‘requests’ for the identities of persons in ‘raw intelligence reports’… persons whose monitored conversations were between Trump associates and foreign officials who discussed then-president-elect Trump’s transition…conversations that were collected ‘incidentally’ without said persons being the targets of specific electronic eavesdropping and whose identities instead of being redacted became known. And this led Cohen-Watnick to (rightfully) bring all this to the attention of the White House General Counsel’s office, who in turn reviewed more of Rice’s requests and instructed Cohen-Watnick to end his own research into the ‘unmasking policy’ and that they would handle it from there on out as the information garnered included ‘sensitive information’ about not only who the president’s associates were meeting, but their views on foreign policy issues, and further transition plans. as well

And then when National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster was informed of these goings on he sent his aide, one Derek Harvey, to Capitol Hill to brief Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes on these findings…and the rest is history as they say.

But now that we know the wiretapping on President Trump did indeed happen and that it involved Obama’s flunky Susan Rice, the questions remaining become what if any hand did Barack HUSSEIN Obama have in this, what if any crime did Susan Rice commit, and if a crime was indeed committed and if Obama was involved…as I and others suspect…what should their punishments be?

So did the woman who said “I leaked nothing to nobody and never have and never would” commit any crime…I say ‘yes.’ And that crime starts with what she does best…lie. But why lie if Susan Rice felt she did nothing wrong…why lie if there was nothing to cover up… why…because Susan Rice was instructed to make a crime far worse than Watergate go away. And while that lie might not involve how the information was collected it does involve the hows and the whys it was publicly disseminated.

And with some legal experts saying that the standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons ‘incidentally’ collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything, which Rice has now used to defend her actions; and with others like Susan Hennessey, a former attorney for the National Security Agency and current Brookings Institution fellow, saying that they believe there would have been “nothing worrisome” about Rice asking for the names of Trump officials to be unmasked while in her post as the Obama administration’s top national security official….others are saying that while Susan Rice’s actions did indeed if not break the law did cross over into very dangerous ground because as per the law the redacted names…classified names’…were never supposed to be released and they deliberately were.

In fact, John R. Schindler, a conservative columnist for the ‘New York Observer’ and a former NSA analyst with deeply placed ‘sources’ in the intelligence community, wrote that “Rice had perfectly legitimate reasons to want to know the full story about those reports”…meaning intelligence reports tracking foreign-government officials discussing Trump or talking to Trump associates….but that Rice was a “deeply unpopular figure” in the intelligence community. “Rice didn’t like to play by the rules, including the top-secret ones,” he wrote in the New York Observer. “On multiple occasions, she asked the NSA to do things they regarded as unethical and perhaps illegal. When she was turned down, the NSA fears breaking laws for any White House, since they know they will be left holding the bag in the end, Rice kept pushing.”

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” data-medium-file=”×236.jpg” data-large-file=”” class=”alignleft wp-image-12456″ src=”×205.jpg” alt=”" width=”166″ height=”87″ />So, while Susan Rice might technically not have done anything legally wrong in asking for redacted names to be ‘unmasked’ in reports involving Trump and his people, she did do something wrong…very wrong…when instead of keeping those should be ‘classified names’ to herself she released them in an effort to not only play politics with said ‘classified names,’ but to also keep the lie going that Russia had tried to influence the 2016 presidential election.

And what is the punished for leaking classified information whether it be something as simple as ‘classified names’…as per 18 U.S. Code § 798 – Disclosure of Classified Information…”Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information…Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.”

So now as we wait and see if anyone has the courage to charge her with anything… especially since both the gender and race cards are now being thrown out by the media in that this attack on Susan Rice is only happening because she is a woman and a black woman to boot…more lies of course…we need to know what role exactly did Barack HUSSEIN Obama play in all this…and know that his hand is all over it as he on so many occasions made public statements to the effect that he would be keeping his eye on now President Trump and calling him to task for anything he did not agree with him on.

And let’s be honest here…Obama was more than a bit angry that Hillary Clinton did not get the chance to finish off his ‘fundamental change of America’ as he and his fellow leftist Democrats counted on her doing. So what better way to funnel that anger than doing a bit of payback by any means possible and using any conduit possible.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry addresses the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, DC.

” data-medium-file=”" data-large-file=”" class=”alignleft wp-image-12458″ src=”×228.jpg” alt=”" width=”167″ height=”97″ />And so enter center stage Susan Rice who in her capacity as National Security Advisor became Obama’s conduit of choice. And what better proof of that is there than her lies, her alluding, her declining to say whether she personally saw intelligence on Trump’s associates or whether she asked for their identities (which the log rolls show she did), along with the fact that neither she nor her Democrat cohorts have said a word defending “We the People’s right to privacy in such surveillance sweeps…right’s assured us by law…right’s she as National Security Advisor should have been screaming for loud and clear.

So with us now knowing that Susan Rice was indeed the ‘front man’ behind the wiretapping of President Trump, it also must be known that even if she is called to testify that she will invoke ‘the 5th’ no matter what question is asked. And why…because Susan Rice will go ‘missing’ or worse if she were to squeal even to save her own butt. And besides, the national security excuse is already in place and being shoved down our throats by the media…the fix and the cover-up of the whole sorted mess is firmly in place…just saying.

Copyright © 2017 Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor



Today, Friday, April 7th from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss this week’s major news events.

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The post The Fix is In appeared first on Tea Party Tribune.


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