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Wikileaks: Emails Connect Hillary Clinton To ISIS in Syria Weapons Sales Iran Contra II

Saturday, October 8, 2016 7:22
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Ahh, so much news out there this weekend, it would seem like a great way to cover some very damaging information about the Clinton campaign.

In an interview with Democracy Now, Wikileaks’ Julian Assange is now stating that 1,700 emails contained in the Clinton cache directly connect Hillary to Libya to Syria, and directly to Al Qaeda and ISIS”.





McCain blinks heavily when he gets caught in a lie. 

After concluding the flow testing phase, Afek Oil and Gas will now begin analyzing samples drawn from the Ness-2 drilling site, euphemistically dubbed “Deborah’s Well,” in the Israeli-occupied region of Syria known as the Golan Heights. New Jersey-based Genie Energy, Ltd., Afek’s parent company, claims a dubious cadre of investors cum war profiteers, including Rupert Murdoch, Dick Cheney, Lord Jacob Rothschild, former CIA director James Woolsey — as well as a number of current and former U.S. politicians.



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