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By Ethan Indigo Smith (Reporter)
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A Terraist Letter on Terrorism

Thursday, November 10, 2016 7:31
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Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

~Serenity Prayer 

    All the oligarchic systems controlled by the 1% that the 99% stand against, all the institutions that any compassionate person would like liken to fascist or feudal have all been instigated, implemented and reinforced by people.   I know that I alone cannot change such systems which the 99% stand against; the oligarchical collectivist links of state, corporate, banking and the military industrial complex, and energy industry corruption leading to environmental destruction all formed in a steep pyramid system with the 1% atop and the 99% below.   But it is perfectly obvious that if a system is simply the creation of people, that people can change that system with serenity, courage and wisdom.      

    Anyone who says that people cannot change things does not realize they are in a system which began as imagination.   People can change systems which other people created.   People cannot change things like gravity.   But people can change anything other people implement even that which might be longstanding tradition or something posing alongside longstanding tradition.      

    The best business strategies utilize knowledge of trends, if a stock is going up and has been going up, chances are it will continue to go up for a time.   In the same way trends can be used to gain an understanding of history and current events.   If something has occurred and is occurring and nothing is being done to change it chances are it will continue to occur, perhaps more frequently so.  

    One such growing trend is the investment into a police state.   Increasingly the United States is becoming a police state where institutions are allowed to figuratively and literally put the boot down.   The police in the United States support the institutional ties of the state and corporate oligarchical collective and are often reduced to cogs in a system of enforcement for revenue, rather than enforcement for betterment.   Individual police might be nice, but right now one can accurately say police across the country do not support the rights of individuals.   This is clear when observing the national trend of the horrendous treatment of people practicing their First Amendment rights to gather and demand redress of grievances in the 99% movement.   It is clear to anyone with a sense of history who has been observing trends that the police state is a financially driven institutional movement, while Occupy Wall Street is dichotomously a morally driven individual movement.   Whole swaths of police exist solely through the money found in narcotics operations, literally feeding off of steady prohibition and addiction.   One hundred and one companies make money through the prison system, especially the corporations which get paid by the number of beds filled.   Phone companies make money on prisoners and so do food distribution companies.   Making money on prisoners is terrorism especially prisoners of the war on drugs.    

    It is arguable that most all prominent institutions beginning with the public education system is supportive of building up the prison system and police state.   The documentary “The War on Kids’ breaks down the increasing policing of children in public schools concurrent with decreasing quality education.   When the system is so corrupt that schools resemble prisons with lacking in-depth education of course it’s going to be difficult to quantify the extent of exploitive oligarchic control.   But it’s there.   In schools kids learn how to behave in a fascist cop country, in an Orwellian world.   That’s terrible terrorism.

    It is arguable that the mechanics of this Orwellian world is predominantly funded through the prohibition of narcotics.   If marijuana and even if dangerous narcotics like heroin were legal and regulated less children would get a hold of or want dangerous narcotics like say zombie powder and whole criminal enterprises and motivations would shrink to laughable proportions and the police system and prison system would immediately deflate.   The war on drugs might be longest fought war.   Generations of people, children especially, have been scarred by the war.   The war on drugs is real terrorism and by itself enhances the cop country. 

    Perhaps there is another war, an ongoing war which has been waged on the whole environment and has indiscriminately battered all life on all sides which has been going on even longer than the war on drugs.   The war known as the nuclear age has been waged against mother earth and all inhabitants since its inception in New Mexico, and the detonations on Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the other two thousand detonations the world over, since the destruction of whole regions because of the events at Chernobyl, Hanford and Fukushima.   The global military industrial complex has polluted our very bodies with nuclear experimentation particulate from detonation, processing and power generation experimentation.   Nuclear experimentation is the most frightening terrorism and the most costly war.

    Of course I alone cannot change the prison industrial complex and legalize marijuana and hemp to deflate the criminal enterprises on both sides of the law.   I alone cannot hold a global peaceful revolution to cut the ties of the state and corporate oligarchic collective, and I alone cannot flip the switch on the ways of war and global nuclear experimentation.   But I alone can start and we together can change any human made system.   And as the trend has proven making narcotics illegal does not eliminate users it only stimulates a section of the economy, a section which disintegrates other aspects of the economy.   Creating a police state and cop country is an unsustainable copout.   Marijuana and black tar heroin for that matter are only a danger to society when illegal.   And the ongoing war and continued nuclear experimentation, no matter the jingoistic excuses, is much more dangerous to society and all life on the planet, than the latest harvest of Afghan heroin could ever be.   All of these systems are simply man made conundrums which can be altered or abolished by people.   I cannot change gravity, but together with moral people we can change entirety.              

      It will be said in the history books, at least for a while, that the war on terror, in Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan, is the United States’ longest fought war.   But they are only part right.   The war on terror started after 9/11 and it foreseeably might go on forever if the trend continues.   And yet the war on terror is just the continuation of the war on terra and the war on individuals just like the war on drugs and the environmental war on mother earth.   The real terrorists sometimes have uniforms on as shown in the national trend of police treatment of individuals practicing their First Amendment rights in the 99% movement.   The real terrorism is war in total, no matter if the weapon used is IED or RPG.   Nuclear experimentation is real terrorism, as is all environmental destruction, speeding entropy and reducing quality of life now and for future generation.   It’s a war on terra, so I’m a terraist, a peaceful person of the 99% making empirical observations, on mother earth’s side.     

“”whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new”

U.S.A. Declaration of Independence


Merry Total Apathy! - The Santa Clause Syndrome

The Santa Claus Syndrome instils more than just materialism and the acceptance of lies. And chances are, if you can recall the names of more than one of Santa’s reindeer, you are likely affected by it in some way.

In his book A Holiday Hazing: the Santa Clause Syndrome, Ethan Indigo Smith examines the many psychological influences of one of the most widely celebrated traditions the world has ever known, and exposes common beliefs of ‘self’ and ‘society’ in a way that might make you chuckle, and a little bit angry.

A Holiday Hazing: the Santa Clause Syndrome is available on Amazon as an e-book — just in time for (saving you from) Christmas.

The Complete Patriot’s Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism: Theory and Practice

The Complete Patriot's Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism

Ethan Indigo Smith’s book The Complete Patriot’s Guide is an insightful exploration of history, philosophy and contemporary politics of today’s heavily institutionalized society.

An inspiration for positive, peaceful individual action, The Complete Patriot’s Guide is pro-individual in its perspective and, although political, discusses our society and its institutions from neither left-wing nor right-wing perspectives, and explores metaphors and symbolism relative to the fictional work of George Orwell through real history, philosophy and contemporary politics. Layered with insight, it is in part a literary exploration of the themes raised in Orwell’s 1984, and provides theories for individual and collective empowerment.

The Complete Patriot’s Guide to Oligarchical Collectivism is available here on Amazon.

For more information, visit Ethan on Facebook and check out Ethan’s author page on Amazon.

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