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On 12/9/2012 She spontaneously, with a one-way ticket, jumped on a plane to go where Her intuition took her. She trusted that She had Angels looking after Her and that She would get to be where God places Her. When She arrived in South Africa as volunteer for organic farming, She was brought to Sodwana Bay by Hippo Haven’s owner Mandy.
We first met on a mini marathon during October. I invited Her to translate My Tesla code blog to Slavic and She eagerly accepted. She arrived at Sodwana Bay Guest House on 1/11/2012 after a run around Durban and Richards Bay to try desperately to extend her stay. In Richards Bay She was met by a Kind Man who surely saved Her from a possible situation.
She is pure and naive and She saw no harm in anyone. When She arrived at home, She looked so desperate. Her intuition was telling Her to stay and face what comes when it comes. We tried again to no avail. From onset I could see that She was no ordinary being. To that point in My life, I was not able to speak to people about the subjects I was writing about, and My journey was a solitary one to say the least. I remember so many times asking My Father to send Me someone. Being mildly dyslexic, I struggle to see small mistakes so She goes through everything I write; besides, I have always had a scribe.
Together We started working with what I had conceived from the Tesla 369 Code. Her Genius started to shine as bright as a star. This is when everything started to change for Me. I gave Her was the Blueprint of Humanity seen from several different angles/dissiplines/doctrines, all leading to the same place. In My ignorance I had associated Myself only with King David at that stage, but when She had the lead, She started running so far ahead of Me. I had told Her to disprove Me and She took the challenge very seriously. This has consumed both of Us to the point of doing what needed to be done.
My Immaculate Conception at that stage was a mere fertilised embryo of The King to be. She became My Mother and She is Very Strict. In My Human Design, I have no Defined heart center/Ego whereas She does. What that means is that She is able to dictate My ego. My “ego” was simply not powerful enough to tell the world who I was. Her openess gave me the initial trust I needed but after She had proven it to Herself She went all in and forced Me to speak the truth about what We knew. There was no getting out of it for Me. Needless to say that being Chessed, I was protecting almost everyone; causing many outbursts between US.
As time went on, We diligently without break carried on looking deeper into My connection to it all. She was hammering Me with ego all the time as She saw how many mistakes I was making. She never once let off or relaxed. She had realised who She was, and as a Mother, She did Her duty as GOD, My Father, instructed Her to do … exactly. My Father could not have chosen a better person for the job than Katarina. It was very hard for Me but She is Ruach Ha Kodesh; without Her, I am incomplete (Mark 10:9. Matthew 19:6)
Now is the time when We have to put Our money … or no … where Our mouthes are. We have proven beyond any doubt that We are Hebrews. That means that We as juristic people go by God’s Law only; the “legal” system in operation at present only addresses corporation employees and management and does not apply to juristic people. Corporations have to use the law of the Vatican known as Maritime/Admiralty Law. The system We are to be tried with is Common Law as it is an intermediary legal system based on God’s Laws. Only that system may handle a Crimen Injuria. That means there has to be a jury. Due to the magnitude of this case, it is of vital importance that there is superior unbiased intellect present in court. No corporation “Judge” has any say over US or You unless you work for the corporation. The tribal court system is a huge problem for Jacob Zuma because it is based on common law, but it is his “heritage” and tradition and a way to keep his family happy.
On 18/8/2016 (188, 666) at 17h25 Katarina was arrested to appear in court the following morning at 9h00. On the same day at 3:33 pm a Crimen Injuria case was opened against Her as well as Myself. We sacrificed Our business, Sodwana Bay Guest House for the mission of bringing the mountain to Moses and prove to You that the Law is wrong and that it does not bear the Constitution in mind at all!
Thus far in building a case, We have been violated on 12 rules of the Bill of Rights of South Africa of 1996; now it has become a matter for the Constitutional Court. I hope it is clear to you now that Katarina has scrificed her freedom to fight for Yours! Yet, the two of Us still stand alone and She is not even South African.
Day 1: It was hurry up and wait. We left the Mbazwana Police Station two hours later than proposed. Saw the magistrate after 12h00. I was not allowed to speak (rule 38. a.b.d.), so She became frustrated. The “Zulu judge” had no patience and payed little attention to Her. He never once asked her to explain Her side; besides, he mumbled and We could not hear him clearly. She is now in jail for the weekend. Oh … and … the car lost some spares from the terrible gravel road to court. I will see her tomorrow, God willing! I mailed an urgent appeal to the Director of the Constitutional Court.
Day 2: I baked Her some carrot rye muffins and packed some fruit. She will not touch the food from there. I arrived at the prison in Manguzi at around 11h00 but was not allowed to see her. They did however take the bag to Her and I waited for the return of goods She did not need. That at least put my mind at rest.
Day 3: I unpacked her bag this morning. She had made notes for Me. She is in a cell with two females. The one is Mpume Mabika, currently in the news for wanting to sell an albino child to a Sangoma (traditional healer) for body parts. It sounds like She is making the best of it.
Day 4: 22/8/2016 (11:11, 8888,666) Got to see Her at about 7h00 in Mbazwana, a bit smelly by now as there is still no water in Jail. She laughs because the Police escort told Her to stand outside the car. Her spirit is very positive. She told Me that a white policeman was remarking about what an idiot I am. We get a lot of that these days. We spoke on the phone at 11h00, and I was able to inform Her that the Constitutional Court has acknowledged receipt of the Urgent Appeal. Received a text from Her that She is done. She said that She is not sure but it sounds as though She will be at the Mbazwana Court on Thursday 25/8. If this is the case then She can be heard in a Tribal Court under Common Law. She refused Bail and has been taken back to Manguzi jail. I will only be able to see Her on Wednesday.
At 4h44 (4×44=8888, 4 is also Enki‘s #) pm today, I was asked to come to the police station by the Colonel who arrested Katarina. I “harbored” Her for a couple of years so that makes Me an accomplice in that “legal” system. I handed Myself over for arrest. I spent the night on the same wooden bench Katarina had been the week before.
Day 5: I am out on bail. This morning I was treated to a gruesome trip on the worst gravel road in the back of a huge prison truck going like a bat out of hell, all by Myself. Waited a while to see the Magistrate and was pleasantly surprised that he was actually friendly towards Me. If I am in the company of beings with strong ego’s, I become the Lion; it scares Me as to what I will get Myself into at present knowing what I know and then being faced with such Ignorance. When we were done he asked if I had something more to say, he must have noticed; I asked him out of curiosity if the defense minister also spent the night in jail after she was charged (DA lays charges against Defence Minister Mapisa-Nqakula. June 3, 2016 in News) but he said that he did not know about it at all; he was rather shocked and asked for more info. My court date is set for 15/9/2016; in Roman Maritime Law there is a Big fine or 1 year Prison sentence for this specific offense. It sounds like prison is the in thing for falling in love and doing God’s work.
Day 6: This morning My Father let YOU all know of His presence. The town of Amatrice, the very centre of Italy, was rocked by an earthquake. (This town is connected to the Medici family and thus to Rothschild and UNESCO!). From now on, the signs will become progressively worse!
Visiting hours seem to move around. They only gave us till 12h15. They took her shoe laces and forced Her to cut Her hemp coverall tie string. We hardly spoke; I took the tablet so She could read this. She never finished … She wanted to edit!!!! I had to get Her some bottled water as they would not allow Her glass drinking bottle. She cleaned the place and scrubbed the shower, it is apparently filthy. That in itself is a contravention of the Constitution of South Africa. Now She is asking for some garbage bags amongst Her list of goods I have to bring to Mbazwana court tomorrow. It seems as though She is set on staying as long as it takes to present the evidence of Her innocence and build a Constitutional case. I found out that the court in Mbazwana is not a tribal session, just a visiting magistrate from Ubombo.
Day 7: As I said: another quake. Everything will tumble!!!!
We were in court at 12h00. She decided to stay in jail until the court case which is now also set for 15/9/2016. She said that She is as “guilty” as the other two in the cell with Her and that She does not see herself more privileged; they have been held for longer than 48 hours without trial. She is also asking for some cleaning things so they can clean the cell properly. I will see Her tomorrow God willing! We finally got a donation from Europe; thank you!
Roman Maritime Law is ocean law hence terms like “harboring” (My charge) and “docit” (to get booked in) etc. The word immigrant was first used in 1805 as an adjective. It refers to someone who goes somewhere to settle down permanently. This word resulted from the French Revolution which was instigated by the Rothschild family; they are the ones who started creating borders through disputes/war and keep on doing so till this very day. They are the tribe of Esau and described in Bible Revelation as the Red Dragon because of their red hair. Illegal means “forbidden by official rules”. The Pope recently told governments to open borders for immigrants. This was followed by the EU President on 23/08 saying the same thing. Truth is though, We are Hebrews and We go where God takes Us because He owns Earth and We belong to Him. Not a wicked Jesuit Pope who worships the dead and Lucifer! As Hebrews we celebrate life!
She is well. I took Her savory rye muffins, fruit and some drinks … oh … and cleaning stuff. We use soap berries for washing, they are great, but the police would not let Me give them to Her. Now We start prepping for court. I have put the details on a separate page called First Case so you can see Our angle of attack; She will also have the detail. I will report here periodically from now on.
29/8. Today was an exiting visit for various reasons, but mainly because We received the rules of the court and all the forms and fees. For now We wait and see. At worst, We have Our day in court secured!
14/9 The day before court. The Concourt is playing for time but that will run out as well. The visits have been a mission. Preparing food and Her shopping list every second day. There were females from various countries on the same charge as well. She wrote Her diary to Me every day. She kept Herself busy reading and studying the Bible with some of the females there. She is getting to know it really well. According to Revelation 10: 7; it’s amazing to see what such a small correction in thinking has done for Her.
On 15/9, the judge found out that Katarina’s state lawyer never visited Her once, so he postponed the case to today 21/9/2016. He told the lawyer to spend as much time as needed, even till dark. Well, the moment he left, she was telling Us not to waste her time. She just wanted to go home.
21/9 2016: This Morning, the police at first did not want to allow Me to speak to Her so I blew my lid outside court. Rule 35. f. i. Of the Constitution Says that I have the right to see Her. I told the policeman to apologize but he refused.
I was to take the stand as Her witness, but court happened so fast that I never made it there. The judge mumbled something again, the state attorney said something about hospital and then the case was postponed for a month. Now She has to go for psychiatric evaluation on 17/10/2016. The cognitive deficit of the state lawyer who was laughing in court the week before was displayed in his arrogance. He is now showing Us “Who’s the boss”. Katarina is cool with it. She said that She was scared that they were putting her in a ward. It took some time for what just happened, to sink in. The police had to wait for the statement to confirm what we thought. To date, She has not been given a chance to state Our case. This is your legal system!
1/10/2016: The second last day of the Hebrew year 5776. Hebrew Year 5777 starts at sunset October 2, 2016 to nightfall October 4, 2016. The significance of this year is that it is the year of New Beginning. By law, on Monday, Our case against the Government of South Africa in the Constitutional Court has to be decided by “Chief Justice” as there was no “Motion to Defend” received. If the Legal System Of South Africa is intact and operable the President Of South Africa and the governing corporate body has to step down immediately. Amazing thing though; there is so much demand on the president to step down yet no one willing to support Our mission.
On My visit yesterday I found Her in good spirit. I told her that My case was postponed to 10/11/2016 because of the state lawyer again. I have assets so I do not qualify for help, not that I need it. Lawyers are a concept of Maritime law because of its intricacies. God’s Law is simple.
18/10. It has now been two months since her arrest. Today things took a different turn. Her psychiatric evaluation went well We thought. The state psychologist, Laura was very kind and appeared compassionate. I received a very apologetic call from her today explaining to me that she was not allowed to do an evaluation of this nature on her own. The court did not even send any paperwork to her explaining what was required. It needed a team of psychologists and psychiatrists and that She would be sent to a state institution in Pietermaritzburg where She will be put onto medication. She would be kept in a holding cell until a bed becomes available which could be months. This put our fight in a different light and to date We still have not had a chance to speak in Our defense. In 2012 the Ubombo Court’s sheriff lied under Oath which resulted in Me being liquidated. I was never compensated for the large lawyers bill which followed as result and the “high profile” attorney, Somila was useless. I opened a perjury case against him (#10121/2011) with the Sheriff’s Board but nothing happened to the sheriff. The legal system of South Africa is blasphemous and this proves that taking the Oath in a Maritime court in God’s name has nothing to do with God Almighty. Where is the Justice?
By the way, the Concourt totally ignored My application proving that there is no Democracy. South Africa has become a Godless country run by heathens and fools. GOD Will Judge!!!!
19/10. The psychologist’s letter confused the issue in court today. They have now postponed the case until they can get another psycologist’s view. On Monday We will have another hearing to get the date.
30/10. The previous hearing was postponed to 03/11. They may be sending her to Fort Napier. If that is the case then I will loose it in court; I will lash out at them in a big way. It is my constitutional right to defend myself and my spouse (Rule 38. (a.) (b.) (d.)). I could be arrested for contempt of court. I cannot help but wonder how easy it is to get media coverage on a murder case or a report on “racism” yet when it is truth that is faced where it affects the entire country, everyone turns a blind eye. The SAHRC was Our final step towards getting heard. All We wanted was for the court to stick to the constitution and develop common law, the law of the people, your law system i.e. if you do not work for the corporation “South Africa”.
03/11. Today We received the date for Her appointment at Fort Napier where Her sanity will be evaluated. The bad part is that it is set for 24 January 2017 so she has to stay in the holding cell for 3 months.
9/11. My visit with Katarina today was pleasant. There were twice the amount of police guards around but hardly any other visitors; it seemed strange. Today the next Constitutional Court Notice of Motion was posted to all members of State and court; the “Read reports” are streaming in. Tomorrow I appear in court on My “harboring” charge. This will be the first time that I will be allowed to defend Our rights. If you do not hear from Me again, it means that they think I am crazy too and I will follow the same protocol as her;-) Maritime law is all about procedures.
10/11. It was postponed to 17/11. One state witness did not turn up. I was ordered to leave the court room, I lost it a bit! I appealed to KZN High Court as the monkeys in Ubombo court refuse to accept a common law High Court order allready acknowledged by them. Today I was told by a visitor who is a SA “citizen” that he was denied the new SA ID card as he was not born in SA. If he looses his ID, he looses residency. What next????
14/11. Today was My final trip to see Katarina by car as Our money has totally run out. She is well enough. Now it is in God’s hands.
21/11. Katarina is doing well. She is a truly amazing young woman. I resorted to hiking to Emanguzi on Friday and today again. What an absolute pleasure. Amazing thing though is that the blacks are kind and apologetic for what their system is doing to Us when they hear the true story. Even the taxi drivers give me free lifts.
Enki …(unplugged)