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Ancient Egypt lifestyle

Friday, March 17, 2017 9:27
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Lifestyles in ancient Egypt vary greatly. People worshiped many gods like Ra is the sun god, Isis, Thoth, and many others. In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was at the top of the “pyramid” and his family, noble people who owned land, and the priests came after.The bread was an important part of the kitchen. This bread has been prepared solely from emmer wheat. Different types of meat were available for the elite, like, beef, veal, antelope and gazelle meat.

Ancient Egyptian cuisine also included pulses, chickpeas, cabbage, turnips, lentils and beans. Sometimes vegetables like celery were eaten raw. Fruits also an important part of ancient Egyptian cuisine. The beer was very famous and was the national drink of ancient Egypt.Schools taught reading, writing, mathematics and sports as well as morals and manors. At the age of fourteen, the son of peasants or artisans have joined their fathers in their professions.

Ancient Egypt lifestyle
Ancient Egypt lifestyle

Ancient Egypt lifestyle

Ancient Egypt lifestyle
Ancient Egypt lifestyle

Ancient Egypt lifestyle

Ancient Egypt lifestyle

Ancient Egypt lifestyle

Ancient Egypt lifestyle

Ancient Egypt lifestyle
Egyptians liked to make art. The Egyptians made statues, bas-reliefs, paintings, pottery, jewelry, sculptures and coffins. They did the art for gods, kings and queens, and the dead in their graves.The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The Egyptians lived in houses made of bricks. The best known of these pyramids was built for the pharaoh Khufu. It is known as the “Great Pyramid”.

Egyptian religion was very ritualistic, involving daily ceremonies. They also had the death rituals and ceremonies. Funeral rituals practiced by the ancient Egyptians understood the embalming and mummification.Formalized ritual and ceremonial dances in which the dancing priest-king represented the person of a god or the servant of his people and regenerator were performed. It is believed that the dance originally started as a way to both mourn the dead and appease the goddess Sekhmet.

The ancient Egyptians depended on natural factors to preserve agricultural land against pollution and loss of fertility. The climate of ancient Egypt was very hot and dry. The ancient Egyptians cultivated and irrigated land near the Nile River.The Nile was used by the ancient Egyptians for many things. They fished for food, wash themselves and their clothes, and fetch water for irrigation, drinking and cooking.

Ancient Egypt was known for its magnificent beauty, exotic perfumes, beautiful clothes, hairstyles and flamboyant perennials. They used soaps, creams and oils for skin care. They used aromatic scents and dramatic hairstyles to fight against the strange heat.The Egyptians had a holistic approach when it comes to eye makeup. On the one hand, it was really delicious and decorative flowers and secondly it was considered to have medicinal properties.

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