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A Little Victory: TSA Removes Controversial X-Ray Scanners From Major Airports

Saturday, October 20, 2012 15:10
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(Before It's News)

by Michael Kelley, BusinessInsider:

Months after a congressional report stated that controversial X-ray body scanners are a waste of money, the TSA has begun removing them from major airports.

Michael Grabell of Pro Publica reports that the TSA has replaced the scanners at Boston Logan International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport, Chicago O’Hare, Orlando and John F. Kennedy in New York with machines that radiation experts believe are safer.

Although the TSA insists that it made the decision to speed up checkpoints at busier airports, Grabell notes that the swaps mean that far fewer passengers will be exposed to radiation since the scanners are being moved to smaller airports.

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  • save a boat load of $$ and profile already! Israel does it and profiling WORKS!!

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