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By BARRACUDA (Reporter)
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All The $100,000+ Jobs Have Gone To The Dogs

Saturday, February 2, 2013 10:39
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(Before It's News)

TSA’s $100M venture into tracking drug-runners a failure?


The Transportation Security Administration, the folks who brought you the nude airport scanners and public pat-downs that critics likened to sexual assault, have another stunning “success” to their credit, according to a federal report.

The General Accountability Office has released a report that says a program to train dogs to screen passengers hasn’t been adequately tested and secret videos show the dogs are failing to detect explosives at test airports.

Each dog team has cost taxpayers an estimated $164,000, the report said.

“As part of our review,” the GAO reported, “we visited two airports at which [dog] teams have been deployed and observed training exercises in which … teams accurately detected explosives odor (i.e., positive response), failed to detect explosives odor (i.e., miss) and falsely detected explosives odor (i.e., non-productive response).”

According to an ABC report on the controversy, the TSA isn’t taking down enough information to know whether any of the dogs are able to respond correctly or not.

The report said the TSA is using the Miami and Oklahoma City airports to test the dogs, and TSA agents are going to be setting up more testing at Dulles airport.


Barracuda has recieved permission from WND to repost.

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