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US Hacks Into Russian Power Grid, the Kremlin & Military- War Is Approachin

Monday, November 7, 2016 17:12
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(Before It's News)




The US began to cyber-attack critical Russian infrastructure on Friday, November 4th. The attacks are intensifying.

Many experts are speculating that we are baiting Russia to hack into our election in retaliation just in case Clinton loses the election. This will give Clinton to impetus to file a legal challenge to the election results should she be defeated.  However, there is a lot more at stake here than just an election. The details are in the video.

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Total 6 comments
  • LOL, you guys, seriously, live in the cheesiest spy movie ever made.

    Like Mission Impossible 3, but if they replaced Tom Cruise with Mr. Bean.

  • that was a bunch of shills and trolls at work.

  • Putin must be really getting PISSED he is being blamed for everything by a negro sodomite and a fat hag. :lol:

  • So David are you now saying that Russia is not about to invade the USA but is being provoked into sending you 20,000 nukes because the USA is using all them back doors in microsoft windows to hack Russia.

    I mean good job too because Russia has forgot how to fight a war and are un able to kill more than three ISIS back terrorists a day in Alepoo and putin thinks that the war is some type of pissing compertion made for TV.

    Now we know that the only people in the world that can hack or write good software are americans because microsoft is locking developers out of windows and half the API’s available to microsoft are not available to us like installing root lever SSL certificates without having to prompt the user so i guess Russia wil just have to hack the under sea cables with a few sticks of dynamite

    • Leo

      More B.S. More American exceptionalism . You will eat those words . trust me you will .

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