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China Fears Russian-US Alliance – Moves Missiles to Russian Border

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 8:37
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China fears an alliance between Russia and the United States. They fear it so much, the Chinese have moved missiles to multiple locations on the border with Russia.

Some have erroneously reported that the missiles are meant for the U.S. This is flawed logic and makes absolutely no sense. China is sending a message to Russia.


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Total 7 comments
  • “China is sending a message to Russia.” Obviously, you are right. Russia is the largest and most empty country upon the earth and China is the most populous one. China wants Siberia and Russia doesn’t want to hand over it. This should be self-evident. Any declared friendship is only a charade.

    Jesus Christ, Yeshua is the Lord!

  • Positioning your strategic weapon systems near Russian border provides them security by giving anyone trying to hit them full scope of aerial defense. China and Russia are large countrys with sophisticated anti aviation capabilitys, so more time to react and deflect attacs. This is a warning to Trump administration. We can hit you back kind of thing. This has been agreed by both Russia and China. ICBM’s by their nature dont need to be positioned near targets, that is the role of tactical short and midle range missiles.

  • Hogwash. These are China’s newest Dongfeng-41 (DF-41) intercontinental missiles. They are MIRV capable and are possibly the longest-range missiles in the world. Missiles of such capability would not need to be placed where they are placed, in northeastern Heilongjiang province, to threaten Russia. The range and placement of these missiles clearly is meant as a threat to the U.S. and Europe.

  • You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars……. but the end is NOT yet. :twisted:

    • that has gotta be the best “prophecy” from the bible, because it fits in with EVERY SINGLE PORTION of human history, without exception,,, so it’s prophecy which works both fwds in time and also backwards in time

      there have always been wars and rumours of wars

  • an ICBM with a range of 15,000 kilometres doesn’t need to be moved to a border – china is merely posturing

  • Russians moved to the United States and the Russians that couldn’t move to the United States, moved to canada . Ontario gives free ededucation and hotel room

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