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Intel Source Fears EMP From China and N. Korea – Paul Martin

Saturday, February 25, 2017 17:37
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(Before It's News)





I recently interviewed Paul Martin who had approached me with a stunning revelation. His best source, a proven deep cover source, says that either Russia or China and North Korea are prepared to launch an EMP attack upon the US.

Normally, I would not take this seriously, except this source of Martin’s has not been wrong since I have known him.

Here is the interview, followed by supporting information.

The Effects of An EMP

Top scientists and knowledgeable politicians (e.g. Congressman Trent Franks) tell us that it would cost the nation alone up to $2 trillion in the first year. It could take four to10 years to recover and would fatally impact 90% of the U.S. population, meaning widespread starvation and death. Yet, experts tell us the cost to harden the electrical grid would be no more than $2 billion, several times less than the cost of a single bail out paid to the bankers. What could possibly explain this inaction on the part of the Obama administration especially after they planned for this event? And why were our enemies, the Communist Chinese given a front row seat when this event was practiced on November 13-14, 2013? Why are we allowing the Chinese Solar Energy Zones to be constructed next to major energy sources such as hydroelectric and nuclear power?  The treasonous implications are so obvious that Ray Charles could see what is coming. When the moment of the EMP attack occur, what will America look like a few seconds later?


In one of the most dramatic effects, airplanes would fall from the skies. Untold thousands of people would immediately be plunged to their deaths. And their deaths might be considered merciful compared to the fate that the majority of the rest of us would face over the next two years. Most automobiles will not work unless they have all pre-electrical parts. Even then how long would gasoline be available? Many people on the various subways, would be hopelessly trapped depending on the time that an electromagnetic pulse would be released.


America would see catastrophic conditions immediately take place in our hospitals and convalescent centers. Within a few days, old age homes would lack the resources and services of the staff to help preserve the lives of those who are virtually helpless. Patients on the operating table would stand a good chance of not surviving. Hospital backup generating systems would be rendered unusable. Food and water would become a scarce resource. Many hospital personnel would walk off the job by the beginning of the third day. The only medical personnel that would stay would be those that live too far away from home to walk. People would not be able to get their life-sustaining medications and services, most of which are electrically powered. Our worst fears would be realized.

Schools and Children

One of the most tragic developments arising from an EMP attack with the fate of schoolchildren geographically isolated from their parents who have already commuted to work. Reuniting parents and their children would be next to impossible for the majority of Americans who have a 30 minute commute or more to work (20 miles). In an article published the past year, I identified and detailed the questionnaire which went out to all school personnel which was inventorying staff school individual skill sets such as  law enforcement experience, construction as well electrical and engineering talents. Sounds like a strange set of skills to be surveying at our public schools. What do the originators of this document know that the rest of us should? If you were a teacher, how long would you stay on the job and ignore the welfare of your family? Getting home and reuniting with family will be problematic.


Your cell phones, your land lines, text, twitter, emails and faxes will not work. Nearly all broadcast stations, especially television stations, would go off the air.  Due to the high level of computerized automation, the equipment in most radio and television studios would be so completely destroyed that most commercial stations would be damaged beyond repair. Radio studios are actually more vulnerable to permanent damage than many portable radio receivers. When America emerges from the event, the NSA police state surveillance grid would be permanently in place for the extreme martial law dictatorship that will follow. According to a statement of Damon Penn, a DHS official, made to a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives on July 8, 2011, a limited number of critical radio stations are being retrofitted with some EMP protection.  However, most of us will be without the benefit of mass communication. Somewhere between 250,000 to 500,000 people will die in the first few minutes. Perhaps as many as 1-2 million would be dead within three days.

Water Borne Diseases 

The greatest threat to human survival, in the aftermath of an EMP attack, is the public’s availability to obtain clean drinking water. This access would be greatly imperiled. In 2010, when Haiti was hit by a major earthquake which killed over 200,000 people, the misery did not stop with the survivors. Six weeks following the earthquake, Haiti announced its first cholera outbreak in over a century. The cholera outbreak went on to claim 8000 more lives. The disease thrives in places where there is insufficient water treatment, poor sanitation and inadequate hygiene. This is what precisely would happen in most areas following an EMP attack. Keeping drinking water clean and separate from human sewage and other contaminates would prove to be humanity’s biggest challenge. Cholera would also prove to be the biggest threat to long term survival. It is likely that in the 24 months following the event, that most people would succumb to cholera and other water-borne diseases. Cholera is a horrible disease which grants its victims a very painful and agonizing death. In the 20th century, human lifespan in United States increased by 35 years. Thirty of those 35 years was due to improvements in sanitation. Following an EMP attack, effective sanitation would all but disappear.  Indeed, water borne diseases will be the deadliest of all the after effects.


The bigger question is this, will the attack be allowed? Is this just another false flag? Is this the event that will get Pizzagate off of page one?  Or, is this a real threat and should be taken at face value?

Help Stop Google’s Gestapo Censorship Tactics

As you no doubt have heard, Google has banned Alex Jones and Mike Adams. We must stand with them. Please y and sign the White House Petition to stop Google’s Gestapo censorship  tactics.

We need 100,000 signatures in the next 48 hours.


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Total 7 comments

  • There is no question that a successful EMP attack would be devastating.

    China is not likely to initiate one because destruction of the U.S. would be the destruction of one of its biggest markets. The U.S. and China are co-dependent economically.

    Russia is not likely to initiate an EMP attack because Russia and the U.S. have been dancing this ballet for the past 50 years and know the dance. No winner. And the rulers are mostly sane.

    The DPRK is another matter. It’s a nutzoid government. And, they have already demonstrated the ability to launch an EMP attack. Over the past two years DPRK has launched two satellites that could have been EMP weapons. (Any artificial satellite in low earth orbit could be one.) One of the launches demonstrated a sophisticated near-polar orbit; the message being “We can hit you in less than one orbit from launch, wherever you are.” Watch the DPRK.

  • Isn’t this the guy that hacked and coughed without saying “excuse me”?

    Anyway SOMETHING BIG is coming in a few months if things don’t change. REALLY BIG.

    However, because I cannot see the future you can disregard what I say. :lol:

  • My understanding is that America doesn’t manufacture the massive transformers and other components that would need to be replaced after an emp attack. Wouldn’t it be something if China offered to turn our lights back on in exchange for complete surrender or other concessions. I don’t doubt for a second that the criminal elite would plot with our enemies to take down our grid rather than allow pedogate to be exposed. It would likely be blamed on North Korea but conducted as a false-flag by China. North Korea would then be annihilated and probably occupied by China.

    • India is the country building the BIG transformers, don’t know IF china does or not! either way they are not shelf items and have to be custom built and normally take 2 to 5 years to build. long time to wait in the dark! many would die!

  • didn’t Einstein say that WWIV would be fought with sticks n stones, not Exotic Monkey Poo (EMP)

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