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America or Amerika?

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 8:43
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America is at a crossroad where it has not been for almost 160 years. What is to be decided is whether or not, when the smoke clears, you will be living in America or Amerika.


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Total 3 comments
  • Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump – it doesn’t matter… It WILL be Amerika.

  • It started almost as soon as it began. Even back in Washington’s time. People just want to clobber America in any way they can. They want this world on fire mired in human misery and suffering.

    The communist Democrap liberal way. (They are all the same BTW).

    1913 they amended the Constitution that brought ruin to the gold/silver standard and based it on worthless paper money which everyone is using right now.

    Then they created their illegal tax scheme to keep you enslaved and they in power and you went right along with it, believing their lies.

    So far it has worked to keep you happy despite $250 trillion debt and obligations it created and no one will be able to pay. But don’t worry, your new master will still let you buy and sell. But you have to give your soul to him. :twisted:

  • Wall Street: Fort of world plutocratic rule was swept away
    with Sanctions by the Creators
    US dollar collapses, New civil war, then, New American worker’s Revolution wins, in Russia too
    But, socialism being Nat.capitalism doesn’t be allowed by Creators
    Cleanup of Earth is imminent
    March 15, 2017; Mar.27 T. Tatsmaki (Japan)
    The sweep away of Wall Street has occurred in the evening of March 14, 2017 (US E. time) with sanctions by the Creators. Wall Street was the worldwide fort of Earthers’ plutocratic slave domination by reptilian humanoids’ shapeshifters of the Lizard (4-D reptile type humanoids covered whole bodies with scales). They reptilian humanoids are followers of draconian lizards of the Draco (the official emblem of UK capital London).
    Thereby, shaking trembling has occurred all over the US from the infomation through internet regarding surprise of witnesses of the event which the Wall Street turned into the vacant lot, though mass medias are concealing this historical major event in the US.
    American dollar collapses too.
    Then, the supreme leader of Rockefellers’ clique David Rockefeller died from conqestive heart failure on March 20, 2017 in NY with the sanctions by the Creators.
    The Creators have given everything gratuitously for Earth too, but Earthers turned Earth into a planet of evil and corrupt civilization of plutocratic slave domination under invasion and domination by reptilian humanoids of the Lizard and their bosses draconian lizards of the Draco.
    According to a notice from the Creators, Earth is a planet of exile in the Galaxy space since ancient times.
    Contrary to the expectation of working peoples, socialism was the nation-capitalism for retainment of plutocratic slave domination, which was shown by the ex Soviet Union and current China, etc. Therefore, such socialism already doesn’t be allowed by the Creators.
    In USA the new civil war occurs soon. The new American workers revolution occurs and wins. Then, in Russia the new Russian people’s revolution occurs and wins. These new revolutions in 21 cen. must realize the transition to the new society of everything gratuitous services in all areas of human life, following the Destiny of the Creators and development law of planets. However, Earthers go along the rotten old way due to maneuver by Illuminati clique.
    Thus, the time of cleanup has come.
    The cleanup of Earth, planets of the Lizard and the Draco, together with about 20 thou. planets of evil and corrupt civilizations is right imminent for normalization of the order of our space. These planets will be disappeared from our space.
    You had better check the outbreak of this major event in which Wall Street was swept away and has become the major vacant lot.

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