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Fukushima the Secret War

Sunday, March 5, 2017 9:48
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(Before It's News)

Nature has declared war on the World, an earthquake and tidal wave has occurred as the first salvo that will cause worldwide depopulation. 

The Fukushima Reactor radiation cleanup leaking into the Pacific Ocean and the atmospher has been announced that it will take 40 years for the site to be cleaned up is not realistic because the radiation has already caused Pacific ocean temperature and atmospher temperature changes along with altered weather patterns in a zone 700 miles off the coast of Washington State.

The Pacific ocean is being caused to heat up in the ocean in the zone from the radiations radioactive nuclei expending heat as it decays. The decay will take many thousands of years, the radioactive ocean water heating up causes more rapid evaporation of the radioactive nuclei into the atmosphere, it gets carried up into the prevailing wind patterns and is the likeliest reason that Europe is detecting radiation that they have been blaming on Russia. The planned method of the Fukushima Reactor is stalled due to several factors, had the seriousness of the lack of planning for catastrophic failure been recognized it may have been a simple procedure to immediately dismantle the building and remove everything, but things got out of control.

There is now 600 tons of runaway radioactive material under the reactor and not many options exist, however a plan to contain the material and eventually retrieve it has been published on that describes a way to contain the problem radioactive materials that involves surrounding the reactor area with metal rods that are energized to cause electrolysis to make an underground wall to block the many streams of water under the area that are communicating radioactive water into the ocean from underneath the reactor.

There are technologies that may be able to cause rapid decay of radioactive materials however there is a difficulty getting funding for such enterprises.

The radiation pouring out of the reactor is bound to increase worldwide, United States government policy is not conducive to transparency where the radiation monitors have been turned off then they show astronomical levels of radiation, the U.S. has promised not to stop buying potentially contaminated food and the U.S. has raised the standard for exposure to what was once considered unacceptable. The radiation sickness and disease reports are increasing throughout the U.S. and the world, California and the coasts of Mexico and South America are substantial points of the accumulation of radiation from the Fukushima disaster, the spread of the radiation in the atmosphere is worldwide and political elites have yet to face the fact that this is a world threatening event that deserves their attention.

Those who are concerned need to spread this story to as many officials as possible, this page will be updated for news about the ongoing disaster, so come back and look for updates.

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