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Crap it’s War! Russia Probe Erupts into Warfare—Globalists Prep Attack on Patriots—Martial Law Coming

Friday, March 24, 2017 15:32
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(Before It's News)

By Lisa Haven   


From the Washington Post to Infowars, the game is on. We are officially in open warfare as the Trump Russian probe erupts across the country. A literal game of “human” chess has commenced. Who will survive? Will it be the loony ultra-left or the patriots in America who just want their Damn country back!

All that and more in this report…. 


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For More Information See:,_20_Oct_2008

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Total 11 comments
  • Schiff is a typical Zionist faggot that needs elimination. And why is McCain alive? What happened to defending the Constitution US Military men and women?

  • prison hopefuls:

    hillary clinton (new info – foundation accepted money + CHILDREN from foreign nations)
    bill clinton
    john kerry ( he did not read the Iran deal. true story, he said that in testimony)
    lois lerner
    loretta lynch
    susan rice
    douglas shulman (irs)
    laura hall ingram (Irs AND obamacare)
    eric holder
    mccain (accepted 1 million from saudis. his foundation involved in traficking)
    harry reid
    keith ellison
    valerie jarrett (personally helped start iran deal. worst deal in history of world)
    cheryl mills (sacrificed chicken (or baby?) to ‘help’ HRC. in wikileaks emails)
    james alefantis
    david brock
    tony podesta
    john podesta
    anthony weiner
    chuck schumer
    de blasio
    huma abedin
    elijah cummings
    maxine waters
    john holdren (obama science czar. malthusean)
    Geroge Soros. hanged in front of his children. then they are all lcoked up.

    • That is one scary list. Killers, liars, pedos, traitors, spy’s, blackmailers, leakers, satanists, spirit cookers,drug traffickers, human traffickers, and that`s what we know, so what else is hidden just imagine.

  • Just sharing a new site i found. Loving it so far. Refreshing actually.

  • :arrow: You are now Exposed. Ms. Haven. Whom are you bidding for and whom pays for your support on this Video? Where are your facts to back up your claims? The headline of this story is a misleading as well. I do believe as many, that in the beginning of your Video Career, the idea :idea: was that you had good intentions.

    :?: However our investigation has lead to some very disturbing revelations regarding your true affiliation with The Zionist of Israel (not the Jews) whom are hell bent on destroying the white race. That is you Missy. Look in the mirror. You appear on Camera as one of them. Of course no one will believe it. Truth is always stranger than fiction. :cool:

    Here it is. Have a look see for yourself. :eek: Copy and paste this link below into your browser.

    Nothing new under the sun. Same old crap.

  • Maxine Waters is the one that is sick. Can’t bear to look at her face and when she opens her mouth untruth and ignorance falls out. How in the world did she get in office?

  • Since Lisa has disabled comments on her other article about the Rabbis prophecy, I’m going leave my comment about it here. The reason that No Rabbis or Jew today can have any accurate prophetic vision or understanding about the future is because they do not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah, therefore they have lost their prophetic gift and are in disobedience, just as the apostate “Christians” who claim Jesus but do not keep the law are in disobedience and think that “once saved always saved is valid even though there is no scripture to support that false doctrine. Bottom line is this: Satan doesn’t care if you believe in Jesus or not, and he doesn’t care if you keep the Ten Commandment’s or not; he just doesn’t want you to do both. (think about it)

  • Yes, HAPPY chem TRAILS 2 you, I totally agree, why would would you listen to anything coming out of the lying mouths of these satanic creatures.

    Jesus constantly warned about jewish fables and to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.

    The fact is that TRUTH is the embodiment of Jesus Christ. Reject Him you can NOT know Truth – simple as that!

  • jdp…Its been 10 months of looking hard to find Russian dirt, but none found so far but the left vwants to dig their way to China in looking so there is no end. While they found a barb or two to stick trumps people with one resigned or got firedand one recrused himself over nothing but being polite did so to keep the peace if you will,NOW THAT WAS NOT SATISIFING ENOUGH. so hearing from the Intel CMTE HEADS, NO COLLUSION WAS NOT SATISIFING EITHER, NOW LOOK INTO WIKILEAKS versus Trumps comments on Clinton if there is a match GOT CHA MOMENT COMES FOR COLLUSION, THE VOTE TALLIES WERE NOT CHANGED, THEY JUST BELIEVE THAT HILLARY’S CRIMES WERE OK TO BECOME PRESIDENT BECAUSE THE LEFT PLACED A VERY BIG WAD OF MONEY ON THE OUTCOME AND LOST they want there money back and can’t get it so there pissed. Trump should say to them enough is enough you had x weeks and finding nothing, its over period and move on.

  • So it’s war like you say is it Liza in the title so are the bombs flying or is it just your usual BS thats smelling around here ?

    if the title is way off then the content will be even more way off and none of it can be trusted to be true since you make a habit of telling lies and posting click bait.

    You and David with your love for Alex Jones seem to be gaining no traction on B4IN dispite it being a full time job for you both and making Alex Jones top editors pick twice a day so try singing a new song because the old one does not hit the spot

  • Just one more question Liza

    Will this death star you talk about in your other post with locked comments kill us al before or after the russian invasion

    “Israeli Rabbi Believes Something Huge Will Happen “


    Rabbi by day, Banker by night and 4skin chopper on a sunday and you want people to take a word he says seriously, get out of here

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