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Daddy Warbucks Trump drinks the kool-aid and joins the globalist wicked witch and her flying blue monkeys

Thursday, April 6, 2017 7:09
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(Before It's News) (video version of this written article) (here is an additional video about Trump drinking the NWO kool-aid)

~~  The Trump team fiasco in Washington sickens me now. I can’t take it. I see no redeeming value in them whatsoever. They are gearing up for war and playing political hopscotch as a billionaire’s game ,and acting as if they really know what they are doing. This is turning into a glamorous modeling routine for Ivanka and her husband, strutting around in their expensive clothes posing for the best photo shots -  while Daddy Warbucks exercises his new bought and paid for presidential position at the Whitehouse.

  When Trump started ranting about the poor little babies being killed by Assad, that was the last straw. Does he not even listen to the real news? Does he not know what has been going on in Syria? How could that bit of information have escaped him? Does he live in a bubble and has no access to alternative views? Does he not know this routine was tried during the Obama administration, and they proved it was done by the rebels – not Assad and his troops? There is no motive for Assad to do that despicable act! Those people died in that chemical disaster because the enemies of Assad had a bomb factory that was hit by a bomb. The rebels were the ones that were responsible for those horrible deaths, not Assad or the Russians. The Syrian army and the Russians have ISIS and Al Qaeda on the run, the war is in the mop up stage. Even Ron Paul is asking these questions and saying it doesn’t make sense that Assad would do this.

  This is a huge political disaster we are seeing unfold before our eyes. Trump is behaving like a child and using emotional theatrics to build a case for war. We needed wisdom and caution in the Whitehouse, but what we are seeing through Trumps actions is the very opposite. Did you notice recently there is no large land swell of liberal protests against Trump anymore? It is because they don’t need to protest, because Trump and his team are self-destructing on their own.

  This is so bad that if after being elected if he would have just stayed in the Whitehouse and did nothing it would have been better. If he played golf everyday and then took a trip around the world and been on a perpetual vacation it would have been better. If he stayed in his golden high rise in New York City and played monopoly with his wife and son every night it would have been better. If he would have pretended to be the wizard of Oz and stayed in his palace, never to be seen by the public it would have been better. But hell no, he couldn’t just be a regular president to serve the people as a hero. He instead drank the neo-con Kool-Aid, joined the globalist wicked witch and her flying blue monkeys and declares war on the world! This guy is a political disaster magnet!

  At this very moment there are four major hotspots in the world where any one of them could erupt into a nuclear war to the delight of the military industrial complex. Trump is literally making more enemies of America when he should be defusing conflicts through statesmanship and diplomacy.

  This cannot be fixed. He is way worse than the Bushes, the Clintons and Obama combined. He has no clue what he is doing and doesn’t know how to find anyone to help him do the right things, and has no desire to do so. He thinks he is invulnerable to failure and has all the answers. He is deluded and he is so seemingly powerful because of his financial success that no one will stand up and tell him the truth. All he has around him are yes men and sycophants. He has the wrong friends and is going head first into global war, and he will take us down with him.  

  This is the globalist’s dream come true. Once things go to hell in a hand basket the world will be so demoralized and sick of what Trump talked about – which led to wars and global disaster, that the masses will be eager to follow new leaders into a socialist one world government. Which is exactly why I kept telling people that we no longer can take the nation back by voting.  They used our own passion for patriotism against us to get this self deluded, power hungry, hedonistic billionaire elected. It makes me sick.

  When I get up in the morning I cringe to think of what new political Trump disaster I’m going to have to read about next. This was not suppose to be this way, and I have no answers on how to fix it. George Eaton

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Total 2 comments
  • When I wrote this stuff 5 months ago I didn’t have a friend in the world. Now it’s too little too late.

    • I hear what you’re saying. I started doing expose’ of Trump 2 weeks after he became president and can’t believe people still defend him. I keep telling them look at his deeds not his words.

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