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The Land – A Different Kind of Playground Where Kids Get to Play with Fire and Take Risks

Thursday, June 25, 2015 1:35
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Original article on – a blog on oddities and wacky news

‘The Land’ is a one-of-a-kind adventure playground in Wrexham, Wales – it doesn’t follow the traditional format of swings and slides. Instead, it allows kids to explore independence and take risks. The Land resembles a junk yard, where kids get to jump over barrels and mud puddles, poke sticks into fires, and hammer wood with sharp nails.

“It’s shaped by children who attend,” said Claire Griffiths, play department manager at the Association of Voluntary Organisations, which manages The Land. “It’s open access provision so children come and go as they please. They build dens, saw, hammer; they create and they destroy.”

That pretty much sounds like a parent’s worst nightmare, but the concept is surprisingly popular. Most parents seem to agree that The Land offers a valuable childhood experience that has been missing for decades. It is a complete contrast from over-protective parenting that encourages children to stay indoors.




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