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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Baba Vangas Prophecy: Saints Blood Fails To Liquify, Signifying Time Of War, Disease And Famine! (Video)

Friday, February 3, 2017 2:58
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Date of event: Dec 19, 2016
Location of event: Naples Cathedral, Naples, Italy
Source article:–so-pray-anyway-abbot-says-74307/

Another prediction that is leading up to a congruency with Baba Vangas prediction is that on Dec 16th, the ancient blood of a saint did not turn from dried blood to liquid. This is suppose to beckon signals of war, famine, disease or other disasters. But…if Baba Venga is right…then Trump will never lay hands on the bible and be sworn in as president on Jan 20th, 2017. If this is true, then Obama may dissolve the presidential position, deciding no country should follow archaic laws of bing ruled by a single person, giving all presidential power to congress. Oh…very exciting to see if this comes true or not. That Obama will be the last president of the US. The most important presidents in history will always be the first…and the last. This really pushes the envelope doesn’t it? Gota love it though. 
Scott C. Waring

Catholic News states:
Naples, Italy, Dec 19, 2016 / 12:06 pm (CNA).- Prayer was the response to a rare failure of a saint’s blood to liquefy in Naples, an occurrence some believe to portend misfortune.

“We must not think of disasters and calamities. We are men of faith and we must pray,” said Monsignor Vincenzo De Gregorio, the Abbot of the Chapel of the Treasure of San Gennaro, ANSA reports.

The blood belongs to St. Januarius, Patron of Naples and former bishop and martyr of the city.

Known in Italian as San Gennaro, his bones and a reliquary of his blood are preserved in Naples’ cathedral. He is believed to have been martyred during the infamous persecution of Christians during the rule of the Roman emperor Diocletian, who retired in 305.

The reputed miracle is locally known and accepted, though has not been the subject of official Church recognition. The liquefaction is believed to happen at least three times a year: the Saturday before the first Sunday of May, Sept. 19, which is the saint’s feast day, and Dec. 16, the anniversary of the 1631 eruption of the Mount Vesuvius volcano.

During the miracle, the dried, red-colored mass confined to one side of the reliquary becomes blood that covers the entire glass. In local lore, the failure of the blood to liquefy signals war, famine, disease or other disaster.


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