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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Fireball Falls Down to the Earth in Australia (Video)

Sunday, January 1, 2017 3:16
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Witnesses went mystified after seeing a mysterious fireball UFO falling to Earth. The unusual thing was observed dropping from the sky above Newtown, Toowoomba in Queensland, Australia. The fireball even seen moving sharply to the right and then left as it was falling.

Newtown resident Rod Bishop captured the event on video.

The witness claimed that he spent 18 years in the army barracks and is an amateur astronomer, so he knows very well about aircraft. The mysterious thing he just captured on video made his jaw drop, according to the witness.

Some viewers of the video are wondering why alien spacecraft went to Toowoomba.

However, astronomer professor Jonti Horner believes the light is not a meteor or fireball because it looks too slow to be one. For him, it is also too slow to be a bit of space junk returning to Earth and burning up in the atmosphere.

Horner thinks it is the International Space Station. He explains that the ISS is brighter than the brightest stars and moves quite slow, making them quite spectacular.

Though it ‘s hard to tell the identity of the strange thing in the blurry video, Jonti stresses that’s the most likely explanation to him as an astronomer professor.

Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy


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