(If this appears ‘Anti-Semitic” think of it rather as simply an observation concerning Reality, like saying “Most people living in Africa are Black” or God is dead”).
’Facebook’s entire business model is centered on people trusting them with their information.”
Mark Zuckerberg the Jewish CEO of Facebook has proven once again that he is a hypocrite when it comes to the issues of government spying and privacy. Zuckerberg in a recent Facebook post made a big fuss about all the news reports exposing government spy programs.
In reality, this is nothing more than a public relations stunt by Zuckerberg as he couldn’t give a damn about your privacy. This is damage control for Facebook because they’ve been caught red handed helping the government collect data. This exposure is bad for business because Facebook’s entire business model is centered on people trusting them with their information.
Back in 2013, one of the documents released from the Edward Snowden leak revealed a National Security Agency (NSA) data collection program called PRISM. This program allows the NSA to secretly collect data from some of the biggest technology providers in the world. The only oversight of the program is the secret FISA court which is nothing more than a rubber stamp for all illegal and unconstitutional government spying. The document further revealed that Facebook began participating with the NSA in that program beginning in 2009.