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Smoking Gun Evidence Pentagon was Bombed from Inside on 9/11. Documentary, witnesses, Multiple
Some astonishing excerpts from the Pentagon Papers:
The day before 9/11, on September 10, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld had publicly announced and acknowledged that the Pentagon allegedly could not account for and needed to “find” a ‘missing’ $2.3 Trillion…
“Multiple standard-issue battery- and electric-operated wall clocks in the heliport just outside the west wall and in the inside areas of the Pentagon attacked on 9/11 were stopped between 9:30 and 9:32 as a result of the first violent event.” -THE PENTAGON ATTACK PAPERS by Barbara Honegger, NOT as the government wants us to believe, the time given Pentagon officials for the claimed outside impact on the building finally “settled” at 9:37:47, or almost 9:38.
…April Gallop, an Army employee with a Top Secret clearance specializing in the declassification of documents was at her desk in the Army area in the west section of the Pentagon on 9/11, the part of the building most heavily destroyed and with the most casualties, when what she said sounded and felt “like a bomb” went off, soon followed by a second explosion. According to the Pentagon’s own building performance report researched and completed in the wake of the attacks, Gallop’s desk was approx. 30 feet from the alleged inside trajectory of the alleged impactor plane.
…Immediately after the second World Trade Center attack of 9:03, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld left his office on the Potomac side of the Pentagon and went (merely) across the hall on the same floor to his Executive Support Center (ESC), which is set up for teleconferencing.
…There, he joined the now-famous teleconference of top government officials run by White House NSC counterterrorism ‘czar’ Richard Clarke out of the White House Situation Room area media room. Clarke, in his book Against All Enemies, confirms that Rumsfeld was among the first officials on this teleconference shortly after the second WTC tower was hit. Clarke’s account and Andrews’ confirmation of it are thus completely at odds with the Official Theory and the 9/11 Commission report, which claim that no one could “find” Secretary Rumsfeld until approximately 10:30 a.m. when he walked into the National Military Command Center (NMCC) in the Pentagon. The fact that Rumsfeld, the military’s top civilian official, was on Clarke’s teleconference along with the top official of the Federal Aviation Administration, FAA Director Jane Garvey, also unmasks the total lie of the official story that Air Force interceptors weren’t scrambled in time “because the military and the FAA couldn’t talk each other” that morning. The top-most officials of the Pentagon and the FAA were talking to one another constantly and being recorded on Clarke’s teleconference from as early as 9:15 a.m. This videotaped Clarke teleconference is thus “The Butterfield Tape” of 9/11 which, not surprisingly, has never been released to the public