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9/11 Truth Finally Shows Up in the Mainstream Media: Unprecedented 9/11 C-SPAN Video

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 6:38
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9/11 Truth Finally Shows Up In The Mainstream Media: Unprecedented 9/11 C-SPAN Video


Written by JayWill7497



If you have not by now watched the following video of Richard Gage from ARCHITECTS and ENGINEERS For 9/11 TRUTH revealed on C-SPAN, then only seeing is believing.

This unparalleled breakthrough of 9/11 truth into the mainstream media is as resultant as it is explosive for both the real perpetrators and the whole nation.

This incontestable presentation on the collapse of Building #7 of the World Trade Center Complex is especially damning because of the authoritative science offered as evidence that the 9/11 Commission Report is a sham. The implications are so far-reaching and profound that the whole world will undoubtedly change with the dissemination of these stunning, yet self-evident, facts!

Richard Gage talking on C-SPAN

*Richard Gage, AIA, is a San Francisco Bay Area architect of 25 years, a member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (, a 501(c)3 educational charity representing more than 2,000 degreed/licensed architects and engineers who have signed a petition calling for a new, independent investigation, with full subpoena power, into the destruction of the Twin Towers and the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11. The more than 17,000 non-A/E signatories include many scientists, attorneys, and other responsible, educated citizens in the US and abroad. They cite overwhelming evidence for explosive controlled demolition.“[1]

World-renowned Expert In Controlled Demolition Weighs In On The Engineered Collapse Of Building #7

Just in case the earlier video did not supply a compelling enough case for those who stand by the 9/11 Commission Report, here is another one with some excellent testimony by some very major experts in the field of controlled demolition.


The official 9/11 Commission Report has been confirmed to be an completely fraudulent record covering up an investigation that never really happened. The engineering experts and architectural authorities have provided irrefutable proof of this now common knowledge.

Every aspect of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon stays under serious question thirteen years later. Each of these unanswered questions begs for government responses that, at the very, least do not violate the laws of engineering and architecture, physics and chemistry, metallurgy and fire science.

If the US Federal Government abstains to open a high integrity investigation of the greatest terror event in U.S. history, then maybe the 9/11 TRUTH Movement should constitute a formal commission to bring the required closure.

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Total 11 comments
  • Video is old from 2 years ago. Yes it showed up in the Mainstream media C-Span which is great, but old news is old.

    • Gaywill\'s Troll

      9-11 is old news. Who even cares anymore?

  • BORING. tells us rather about how the writings of alice bailey affect your daily life.

    in rhyme ya boring gaylord bastich

  • If the truth (about 911) is making it on mainstream media now, it indicates that the time of the old guard is up: the Bushes, and the entire conservative apparatus are about to be thrown under the bus. It is finished for the Republican Party.

    Then since Hillary is also being thrown under the bus for other reasons, the Clinton’s and the rest of the non-conservative apparatus cannot fill the incoming political vacuum within the Democrats: Barrack Obama, will be “drafted” for a third term in order to hold “peace” within the nation.

    Then, after the mainstream media has done its job in America, the truth about 911 will rapidly cover the world, and America will be blamed for everything. President Barrack Hussein Obama will emerge clean from all scandals. The world will desire him for world leader.

    The timing of the release of the truth about 911 by mainstream media, will propel the man BO to the top. It is a brilliant strategic move that only Satan could inspire. Satan is disposing of whoever servant has become useless.

    • mitch51

      Satan Shmatan.

    • Interesting line of thought…..but just as easily the old-gaurd of BIDEN, could step in and replace Hillary….or the New-Knight Pauly RYAN could replace Trump….

      Have you ever thought that once Damascus is destroyed, the Russians + Syrians drive ISIS into Israel

      the people will cry for peace, and then the Saudis(MUSILIMS) and the Israelis(JEWS) will be exposed as the true cause of 9/11 and this neverendingwaronterror will be over as all traces of these Heretic Religions are erased from humanity……….
      the Pope emerges as the bringer of peace world leader, and rule from Jerusalem…..if Judaism & Islam arent destroyed, he can still rule in the INTERNATIONAL ZONE of the Old City ……
      as laid out in the CORPUS SEPERATUM of the original United Nations Meetings………

      the BUSH’s will be the Scapegoat and any other Oil Barons dealing with Saudis/Arabs/Islamists…….

      Yes …Lucifer/Satan…disposing of all servants that have become useless….

  • The 9/11 revelations

    My Fellow Americans

    Do you feel frustrated, helpless, and angry?

    I would like to call on our Armed Forces to reclaim America; seize Capitol Hill and the White House.
    Bush Sr. Bush Jr., their staff, Bill and Hillary Clinton, their staff and Barack Obama and George Soros all need to be sent to The Hague for crimes against humanity, terrorism and murder. Our Military Generals need to instill Martial Law. Every member of Congress that has had more than four terms needs to go. Please start with the longest term members first. This needs to be phased over 8 years.
    Our borders need to be secured. If you have been in this county for five years and can prove your work history and if you are not a felon then we should take a complete set of biometrics and provide you with citizenship. If you have been here for less than 5 years then you need a green card, biometrics, employment verification, and a sponsor. If you are a felon or criminal from another country then you need to be deported back to you country immediately; Do not come back to the U.S.
    America needs to feel safe again. The Hispanic population may compete with our jobs but they have never caused a problem with national security. I applaud the Hispanic population.
    Our government needs to stop destroying other countries’ and start rebuilding our country. We need an America First mentality. The .01% are using the 99% of American’s as pawns. This needs to stop, immediately.
    With homeless people on every corner, people over-worked and under paid it is obvious that we have a major unemployment problem across the U.S… No matter what the news lies about. Most of our jobs have been sent out of this country because of greed. The unions got greedy, the workers got greedy, the CEO’s and boards got really greedy and so they created NAFTA ,and all the other trade agreements so the 01% could get even more money; we all screwed America for greed.
    It’s time to restore our country, our government, our education, our medical and our infrastructure.
    It is our time as the 99% to take back our country, not sell it to the highest bidder, turn socialist or put on a TV Show. This is America; let’s restore our garden. We need another Reagan, not another disaster.

  • Exposing the Torah pdf Exposing the lie of Islam pdf Exposing Judaism pdf The 16 crucified saviors pdf The Dark Web The Deep Web

  • Marvin P Bush, Presidents younger brother was a principle in an company called Securacom that provided security for the World trade Center, United Airlines and the Dulles International Airport.

    Company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center up to the day the building fell down

    Does that say anything to the dumbed down American system. Many sheep should take an IQ test. Your government started the war on, ” terrorism “.

  • its to late showing up now the truth train has already left

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