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Tragedy on top of tragedy for a young Black man: First he’s snatched out of his community and away from his family, where he’s badly needed, and swept into prison. For the beloved Weusi Joka Kambon, clearly an up-and-coming leader, prison snatched him away permanently. Justice must be done! – Art: Roger “Rab” Moore, G-02296, HDSP C8-111, P.O. Box 3030, Susanville CA 96127
My/our condolences to the family and friends of our young comrade, Weusi Joka Kambon (David Frost), who on March 6, 2017, was found dead inside his cell under suspicious circumstances here at Salinas Valley State Prison B-Yard. As it stands, a few of us are seeking evidence and facts relating to the (CDCR) nature of wrongdoing and history of cover-ups. Our report is forthcoming.
Weusi Joka Kambon (David Frost), a precious young brotha comrade, is gone! A voice we loved is stilled; memories of our loved one shall live forever. He was a brotha, a comrade, husband, daddy, cousin and friend. You will be deeply missed but never forgotten.
Weusi Joka Kambon (David Frost), a precious young brotha comrade, is gone! A voice we loved is stilled; memories of our loved one shall live forever.
Your brother, Mutawally Joka Kambon/Cooperwood
Send our brothers some love and light (Mutawally will share your letters with the others): Michael Mutawally Cooperwood, C-46411, Salinas State Valley Prison B4-111, P.O. Box 1050, Soledad, CA 93960.
In our grief, Comrade, we’ve had to create a mental atmosphere to surround us. A sort of blanket to deal with this realization that your physical absence is fact and our collective visualization is no more. But I have placed you in your utopia, a place that has a whole lotta other folks – some you even recognize. And you tell ‘em how you and others chant their names while we exercise and sculpt our strong Afrikan bodies to full capacity.
Although the Divine decided a deviation was necessary to be placed in your pathway, this is by no means the governing conclusion. The Divine is absolutely not finished utilizing the many expressions you have to offer. The Divine Presence has not revealed its overflowing objectives! But take some pleasure in knowing that we’ll get the chance to chop it up again.
Through life even the sky needs help as it deals with man’s destructive creations. Secret pains and untapped fame yells at my subconscious.
I miss you, Comrade, your love of family, your unconditional devotion to jamaa [family in Swahili] visions and dreams. These have always set you apart and recognized as our future visionary.
I wish I could have heard more of your desires, but take some comfort in knowing that your family will always have solid extended family members to count on forever more.
I miss you, Comrade, your love of family, your unconditional devotion to jamaa [family in Swahili] visions and dreams. These have always set you apart and recognized as our future visionary.
If possible, folks, tell George, Jonathan, Bobby and all the other comrades we all love them and appreciate them so much. And although we’re living through some difficult times, we’re staying forever strong. Lots of us continue to be about our people’s business. I’ll holla later.
Always remember, youngsta: Long live the spirit of the Black Guerilla Family! Long live the spirit of the true Black Guerilla Family! Hama mbele kwa pomoja (Move forward with togetherness). Sikzote weusi (Forever Blackness), Weusi Joka Kambon.
This message is unsigned.
I want it known and truly believed that our little Afrikan Brother is still loved strongly and missed to no end; our comrade was very intelligent, honorable, sincere, trustworthy, royal, renowned, powerful and true!
Every time I saw him I was proud of him. It didn’t take long at all for him to inspire me to stay strong because I saw that fire in my brother – and I write this from the innermost core of my soul, My little brother is an Afrikan Prince, an Afrikan Warrior, a Black Guerilla, and immortal in his spiritual essence.
I want it known and truly believed that our little Afrikan Brother is still loved strongly and missed to no end; our comrade was very intelligent, honorable, sincere, trustworthy, royal, renowned, powerful and true!
I love Comrade Weusi Joka Kambon, I miss Comrade Weusi Joka Kambon, and I will not ever forget Comrade Weusi Joka Kambon.
My strength and assistance in kind to my eternal brother and comrade,
Dhati Joka Kambon
Well, where do I start! It was a pleasure getting to know you, Dave, my brother! Our encounters haven’t always been pleasant due to how we deliver our messages to one another and our egos – but it was a pleasure because even though the tone was aggressive, the message was on point with one another’s best interest at heart.
It took a minute but finally I came around to overstand that your strong opinions arose from the strong love you held deep within your heart for all your mwenzis [comrades], whether we agreed on a certain topic or not. Your intentions were sincere and always had our best interests at heart.
Even when you got mad and called yourself not talking to anyone, before yard was over you cooled off. You would say, “I love you, J.C. bruh,” and there’s no doubt that the love was mutual!
It took a minute but finally I came around to overstand that your strong opinions arose from the strong love you held deep within your heart for all your mwenzis [comrades], whether we agreed on a certain topic or not.
I can talk about how disappointed I am in this situation that has occurred – but I won’t! But I will say that steps have already been put in place so this particular tragedy won’t take place on my watch ever again.
With that said, see you in the afterlife, or maybe in the next life – but until then, I know your spirit will walk amongst us, alongside W.L. Nolan, Jonathan, George, Khatari and the rest of our fallen souljas!
Luv you, brother! Long live the spirit!
Kamili Mwenzi Joka Kambon, s/n John Corry, G-00492