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Ways to counter J@DE-H&LM

Friday, January 15, 2016 13:56
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The us army survival guide will be useful when evading foreign troops(eg. Russian) if a Red Dawn insurgency is ever required in a potential ww3 scenario. I have read the us army survival guide and have practiced my evasion techniques(legally of course) to test them and I did pretty well. One of the key important notes you should take down is that you need noise, light, litter, facial, thermal, and multi spectral camouflage discipline when evading an hi-tech opponent that’s the simple basics. The links below will show you what you need to do to counter an hi-tech opponent. Just be careful when you evade. You should always know your enemy before evading if possible. If you do not know your enemy you should study them beforehand in any scenario. If America is every invaded by another superpower expect the grid to be destroyed or limited. Which means no internet and no food and water. The us army survival guide shows where you can get food off the grid(insects are nasty, but when you need to survive your taste seems it doesn’t care). There are some edible plants; but you must be careful so that you won’t accidentally eat poisonous plants.

read these guides via link and you will see what you need to get prepared in any red dawn scenario for evasion against hi-tech surveillance techniques.

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