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Anonymous : Warning To Americans! USD Collapse, Martial Law, FEMA Camps, And RFIDs (Video)

Sunday, June 1, 2014 6:13
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(N.Morgan) A warning from Anonymous in regards to Martial Law, FEMA camps, RFID Chips, and the complete take over of the world by the Elite. Anonymous also warns of the impending economic collapse of the global economy. The world is at the edge of a financial and global disaster such as that has never been seen before. The Elite’s are pushing for every known tyranny they can place in the way of Freedom.


Be warned: All of these actions by the Elite are to lead the world into a New World Order.







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Total 26 comments
  • “If you were of the world, the world would love its own.

    But because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world,

    because of this the world hates you.”
    John 15:19

    So He who is the Truth says that Believers are hated by those in the world.

    All people of the world in America HATE all Believers in America, regardless of appearance,
    according to that Word.


      America, it’s people, it’s economy and it’s gay presidente as well as all the vets that were nialated by the Afghans during the war lost by America, has now been classified as “JUNK”, according to the South African National newspaper. This is hilarious to say the least.
      The Zobama administration wanted to setup a meeting with the South African honorable president and he was denied access to South Africa. They say that South Africa has only political ties with China, Russia, Brazil and India and requested that America and it’s predident stay out of South Africa. Incidentally barrack Hussein gay Obama was denied access to Africa!
      Hilarious if you ask me. America is a looser in total and now the laughing stock of the world!


      America, it’s people, it’s economy and it’s gay presidente as well as all the vets that were nialated by the Afghans during the war lost by America, has now been classified as “JUNK”, according to the South African National newspaper. This is hilarious to say the least.
      The obama administration wanted to setup a meeting with the South African honorable president and he was denied access to South Africa. They say that South Africa has only political ties with China, Russia, Brazil and India and requested that America and it’s president stay out of South Africa totally. Incidentally barrack Hussein gay Obama was denied access to Africa!
      Hilarious if you ask me. America is a looser in total and now the laughing stock of the world! There is NO respect for any American anywhere in the world at all, neither for the baby draw the red line president of America anymore!

  • The world is being divided into 10 Zones []. In fact, much of this has already taken place [Google it for yourself.] The nations are all working together against the people of the world. Here is what God tells us… Rev 12″The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour. 13″These have one purpose, and they give their power and authority to the beast.

    Are you spiritually ready? The time is short.

  • Champak

    This is sick but true! People of the world have to make a stand before its too late!



    • A TIME TO STAND an underground book out is precisely what you are talking about. At the goal line the only thing to save America will be it’s citizen. ( ) It’s about what is going to happen next so I recommend it.

  • Ze so-called New World …ODER stinks to high heavens of Nazi Fascism on IG Farben Steroids, cloaked in a FAKE FINANCIAL COLLAPSE …so fake that not long ago the Fed sent over 17 TRILLION DOLLARS from America to the banks in Europe

    According to records held in the National Archives and Library of Congress that were read and researched by Investigative Journalist Pat Buchana Prescott Bush and Wallstreet Banksters like JP Morgan tried this Nazi crap with Martial Law and Concentration camps for Jews, the Unemployed and American dissenters in America back in 1933 and they got caught red handed.

    He says that they hired General Smedley Butler to lead the coup but he turned out to be a real AMERICAN and turned them in.

    ….and then Prescott Bush and Wallstreet Banksters still went on to fund Adolf Hitler before and during WW2

    The hearing was called the McCormack Dickstein Committee

    All in the following interview with Pat Buchanan on Infowars, watch the video if you think it could never happen!


    It is pretty obvious that they have be planning for and getting ready for this for a VERY LONG TIME and 911 was the excuse to make it happen, like Hitlers Reichstag Fire in 1933

    Even after WW2 the Vatican smuggled out thousands of Nazis and their loot AFTER WW2 and America HIRED tens of thousands of Nazi Scum bags AFTER WW2

    Those that forget History are doomed to repeat it ! :twisted: ….Evil is Rising….!

    • Where did NAZI come from since Hitler was the Leader of “The National Socialist German Workers Party”

      While i agree with what your saying, your not digging deep enough.

      If you would have said the AshkeNAZI Crime Family you would have been correct, since Hitler was a Rothschilds, His Grandmother worked as a Maid for Rothschilds when She was a Teenager and got Pregnant with Hitlers Father.

      If you then look at FDR, Churchill and Stalin you will find all 3 were Also AshkeNAZI’s and dug even deeper you would also find the 6 Million Pow’s who really Died were German POW’s during and After ww2.

      Revelation 2.9

      I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.

      • You should watch the whole of this, but you won’t, because you probably have the attention span of a drunken Gnat :lol:

      • Excellent reply. Nice to see someone else really awake. Funny how they always forget to mention Eisenhower and his war crimes at Dresden.

      • @ Busta Myth,

        Trying to type while Laughing my A$$ off, are you one of the 95 Views this Video Has or did you do the Video..LOL, sorry can’t stop Laughing :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

        Had a feeling you were another Vatican Pusher, while forgetting all about The Rothschilds and Israel, but thats what your here for now isn’t it..Saudi Arabia, Jesuits, Vatican, Nazi, Bush Anyone But..Israel and the Rothschilds or Rockefellers who were Financied by the Rothschilds in America.

        Bush is an AshkeNazi there is no arguing that AND LIKE I SAID, “NAZI” CAME FROM THE ASHKE-NAZI..Not from “The National Socialist German Workers Party” and all listed above are Guilty and all Luciferians, Talmudic Satan Worshippers , thrown out of over 100 Countries.

        Maybe you should read what Albert Pike had to say, that Zionism will be destroyed along with Christians, Muslims and Athiests in ww3, guessing that means bring about their Luciferian Agenda, if i was you i would read what Kissinger ( the Luciferian had to say ) that Israel will Not be around 10 years from now..ooops..looks like Your being used once again, just like in ww2, to create the “Synagogue of Satan” think Kissinger said this ? years ago and take a year or so away, Watch your Head Bit^h..Incoming !

        Who’s this Jay R Pal of Yours another screen name or just some Braindead Hump like You or maybe He’s just been watching to many Re-Runs of Dallas on Israeli TV !

        Eisenhower, thats funny He was also an AshkeNAZI

        His Father was..David Jacob Eisenhower ( Jewish ) and in Eisenhowers west point graduating yearbook is called a terrible Swedish Jew..oops..maybe thats why they keep forgetting to Mention his War Crimes at Dresden or of the German POW’s

      • @ Shaun of the Dead

        You mean this Kissinger…the “fleeing Jew” ? aka Mr New Vold…Oder ! (aka a Papal Jew)

        Kissinger and the secret spy network of old Nazis and German aristocrats ‘who plotted to overthrow West German government’

        ‘The Little Service’ was made up of many former Gestapo and S.S. men as well as titled barons and counts

        Kissnger even discussed with them the possibility of a coup to overthrow the government of Chancellor Willy Brandt

        The Little Service which came into being in 1969 and ran for a decade
        Was lavishly funded and with more success than state intelligence agencies which were riddled with East German moles

        A German academic has unearthed evidence showing former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once discussed a coup with disgruntled Nazis to overthrow the West German government in the 1970s.

        Kissinger and Richard Nixon were aggrieved at the left-leaning government of the day’s burgeoning friendship with the hardline East German government.

        Kissinger became the contact man for a secret spy network made up of old Nazis and elite aristocrats aimed at torpedoing the plans formulated by Chancellor Willy Brandt.

        I suppose you think that when the great Roman Legions conquered most of the World you think they turned up in Jerusalem got off their horse and started paying taxes to a bunch of Goat Herders, farmers and “Money Changers” :lol:

        I suppose according to you Rome has never conquered Israel before, I guess that Rome has never killed Protestants before, I guess that Rome doesn’t collect Taxes anymore, I guess that Rome is not in the Top 3 biggest Land owners in the World anymore, I guess Rome doesn’t operate NUMEROUS Corporations using FRONT MEN anymore

        Dream on Bozo, you are the one that is DECEIVED

        Do SOME Jews work for ROME ?, Yes they do, as did Adolf Hitler

  • there is no rapture. EVERYBODY is going to see the anti-Christ and we are all gonna die. If we are in the time period of the 10 super nations then the rapture hasn’t happened because I know the song in revelation and I’m still here. You gotta look at revelations by making everything good – bad. And then making everything bad – good then you have your true reality. You gotta know how to look at that book the right way. God is an evil mackerel, get it through your head – this reality is his story. The best bet is to overthrow them NOW before the anti-Christ can show up.

  • Anonymous seems to forget that its not a Dollar nor is it owned by Americans

    Its a Federal Reserve Note..Owned by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and 6 other La Kosher Nostra Families.

    Anonymous seems to also forget these same La Kosher Nostra Families took over both Russia and China Decades ago and never left.

    China under Mao

    Russia under Stalin and Trotsky.

  • oh , lord have mercy on all of us. Evereyone attached to the mareial world and one day gone BOOM.

    Somy patterns in every aspect of sicnce proving this too. Before things get better they are going to get much worse.

  • Now you know what all of those “Masonic Children’s Hospital” trucks on the interstates have been secretly carrying.

  • Oooops. Fail.

    Executive Orders 10995 through 11005 were all issued by President John F. Kennedy on Feb. 16, 1962, not by Obummer. Lots of scaremongering going on here.

    • Good catch A,

      I caught this person who calls themself “Live Free or Die” who did a story that 6 Russians beat-up an American soldier, when i started to look into it, it wasn’t even in any of the Tacoma Newpapers, along with details like wrong county and a few other things i posted a comment on.

      This BIN is Corporate owned and will not list just who the owner or owners are, you can find who the CEO is, if you go to Jim Stone Forums.

  • if what is said in the above article has any merit, then the article itself is a form of tyranny, helping to pave the way for the NWO. Everything and everyone is suspect. :mad:

  • As always, thanks for the heads-up guys. It seem to me that a lot more people are catching on. The level of awareness is increasing exponentially. One thing though, and I see this far more often than not, that the music overwhelmes the narrative in certain places. Kepp up the good work, guys. We’re ALL in this together.


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  • The more FEAR put in people minds, then the collective CONSCIOUSNESS will put this planet in danger. DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE! There are more people in this planet than any miltary Army so lets all think POSITIVE and not NEGATIVE…More LIGHT into our Consciousness to conquer the DARKNESS Remember you all are DIVINE HUMAN beings and your NWO leaders do not want you to believe that!

  • when will this collapse coming? so many warnings, so long ago.


  • A NEW WORLD ODOR is cumming this way, huh?

    Anything to do with the ***** B.O.?

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