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By Deborah Dupre (Reporter)
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‘American Sniper’ Feeds Americans’ Most Evil Addictions: Lies, Bloodlust, War Crimes Says Cindy Sheehan

Friday, January 23, 2015 9:20
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American Sniper, the 2015 blockbuster movie propagandizing war crimes and, lies about them, feeding on Americans’ programmed addiction to violence, has prompted a powerful statement by a well-known mother of a soldier killed in action, Cindy Sheehan.


“Everything in American Sniper is taken for fact when the author and focus Chris Kyle already had been proven to have been a blowhard and a liar, when the facts and political motivations of Selma are being questioned,” Cindy Sheehan states. “As is the US addicted to its wars, it is also addicted to lying about them and I know this because I have my own case about Casey for proof.”


National Human Rights defender Sheehan is the mother of Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan, Killed In Action in Iraq on 04/04/04. She co-founded and is president of Gold Star Families for Peace and author of two books: Not One More Mother’s Child and Dear President Bush


Watch actress Marisa Tomei read a powerful speech by Sheehan before she went to camp in demonstration against the lies and war crimes at Crawford where George Bush was for five weeks


Sheehan says she could not remain silent as the movie American Sniper became a box office sensation this past weekend.  The following is her statement on the film:


“I only wish I had killed more.” – Navy Seal and “American Sniper”, Chris Kyle

“I can’t kill anyone.” – US working-class soldier before his short deployment to Iraq, Casey Sheehan


This is something that I don’t want to revisit—I never want to relive the worst experience of my life. However, with the 11th anniversary of my son’s death in Iraq on 04/04/04 approaching and the new “blockbuster” infecting movie screens around the world, I really must get this off of my chest.

Most citizens of this nation are without a doubt addicted to wars and war “heroes” without stopping for more than a few cursory seconds to count the costs or evaluate the propaganda. I despair that a movie like American Sniper grossed over 105 million at the box office over the weekend where we are supposed to be commemorating the birth of a man of peace, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Everything in American Sniper is taken for fact when the author and focus Chris Kyle already had been proven to have been a blowhard and a liar, when the facts and political motivations of Selma are being questioned. As is the US addicted to its wars, it is also addicted to lying about them and I know this because I have my own case about Casey for proof.

We got the news about Casey about 14 hours or so after his detail had been ambushed in Iraq. After I lie on the floor screaming for I don’t know how long, the three emissaries of death couldn’t really tell us much except that he was Killed In Action (KIA)—I still can’t see a KIA brand car without my heart sinking.

Since Casey’s murder, I have found out so much about the US military I had no idea about, but when a group of troops (Battalion? Unit? Army? Murder?) get deployed to combat, some stay back as “Funeral Duty.” Two such persons came to Casey’s funeral and regaled us with stories about what a wonderful mechanic he was and how he had “volunteered” to go on the mission that killed him. Even though neither story rang true to me, I absorbed them like a dry sponge (as I was from all the tears I shed) wanting to hang on to some news of my son because he had only been there in Iraq a few days before he was killed. We didn’t even know he was stationed at Camp War Eagle right in the heart of Sadr City, Baghdad. 

Casey had joined the Army in the year 2000 for college benefits and with the promise from his lying recruiter that he could be a Chaplain’s Assistant. I knew from our many conversations that Casey hated being a Humvee mechanic, but that was the only MOS (military job) available when he got to boot camp.

Also, the very final time he was home (oh, how I wish I knew for sure it was the final time, I would have carried out my half-joking threat to run him with my car just enough to disable him) at Christmas of 2003, he told everyone he was just going to “do his job” and come home safely because, as a Christian and gentle man, he could “never kill anyone.” All of this didn’t jibe at all with Casey “volunteering.”

By drips and drabs, the truth came out. Much has been written with the Imperial spin about 04/04/04 in Sadr City—about how the First Cavalry (Casey’s unit, or whatever) was attacked by the residents of Sadr City, but from unembedded journalists we have found out that the 1st Cav went out to provoke a response to show the residents who was “in charge now.” April 4th was also right after the mercenaries of Blackwater had provoked the residents of Fallujah into an uprising that resulted in the highly publicized deaths of several mercenaries.
Four years after Casey died, I received an email from one of his buddies who was right next to him on that fateful evening.

The vet started his email with, “Sheehan was a great guy, but he was a lousy mechanic, ” which made me smile, because it rang true. Then, however, he delivered the coup de gras:

“I don’t know why you keep telling everyone it was Bush’s fault, it was Sgt. (Name withheld by me)’s fault. He made your son go on that mission and in fact told him to ‘get your goddamn ass on that truck’ after Sheehan had said, ‘no, I am not going, I am only a mechanic.’” 


Idolizing ‘Cowards’, Murderers of ‘Savages’

Even though I sobbed when I read that, I knew it was true. Casey knew he could never kill anyone and to me he is far more of a hero for not wanting to kill than Chris Kyle for his self-proclaimed “more than 250″ murders of what he called “savages.”

How much courage does it really take for a sniper to be given co-ordinates from a spotter and then firing from hundreds of yards away? To me that is the definition of cowardice


…even forgetting about the lies that got both Casey and Kyle to Iraq and the ones who made billions in profits while Casey died thousands of miles away from his loving home and a vet with PTSD would ironically end up murdering Kyle back here in the states.

I will always be proud of my son who is a grand hero to me for refusing orders in the heat of battle and ashamed by a cold-blooded killer like Kyle and a nation that lifts him up as the standard of heroism. I find it supremely ironic and sad that NOT being a killer is frowned upon here while being a happy killer makes one a best-selling author and garners all kinds of award nominations and ticket sales for those who wish to exploit this nation’s bloodlust. 

This truly makes me wonder if there is any hope to end the evil of US empire, or are we doomed to “wash, rinse, and repeat” these stories of infamy and tragedy over and over again until the USA collapses from the weight of all the carnage.



Photo: September 24, 2005 Painting of Casey Sheehan at Camp Casey in Washington D.C. (Credit: Richard Block/flickr/cc)

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Total 8 comments
  • the only use for a military should be to protect from foreign invasion and to protect the people from corrupted government.
    i was sickened when i saw this trailer.
    i read somewhere that someone had spray painted MURDER across a billboard for this movie.

  • James Smith

    The bush skull and bones crime family, period. I quote a real deal sociopath. A new world order? /alternative/2014/08/america-is-under-attack-and-the-american-people-know-it-too-3015792.html the bush crime family are 100% incontrovertibly prima facie empirically patently guilty of masterminding 9/11, period…. /alternative/2014/08/america-is-under-attack-and-the-american-people-know-it-too-3015792.html The military personnel that said those good things about the bush crime family are could be considered treasonous traitors and that’s a very good possibility…. because nobody is that damn stupid not to know the bush crime family is 100% criminally responsible for 9/11?

  • Don’t cha just love the hypocrisy of the left…calling Mr. Kyle a murderer and a killer..all the while supporting the party that dances around their “womens health” and “right to abortion” signs at the DNC national convention. Entire generations of babies slaughtered.

    • The trolls are cluttering the comments section with lame, off-topic posts. That is a tribute to the content of the article.

      Anonymous Kyle called himself a killer. In Iraq. In New Orleans. In Texas. And he said it was fun,
      and he said he wanted to kill more.

      Kyle also had a fantasy of beating up Jesse Ventura.

      Cindy Sheehan said all there is to say about Kyle in one sentence.

      “Chris Kyle already had been proven to have been a blowhard and a liar…”

      • Thank you, Lifel. Yes – silly trolls out in full force.
        Appreciate your reading this and commenting.

  • In A China with 5000 yeals of honestry histoly, we say a Casey died for the kike.

  • I don’t know a Cindy, most of my girls are trans types, Beretta, Sigma, Colt, Remington, Stiletto, Browning, the brothers Smith n Wesson, Kimber and Glock party all the time. The Big guys pretty much are kept on the sides for constitutional purposes. So Cindy shee and han and what? Is she Transgender or just confused?

  • American Sniper sucks and so does the Neo-con Khazarian Zionist’s pigs it road it on.

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